Time is a funny thing, isn't it? When you want it to go quicker, it slows down. And when you want it to slow down, it speeds up.
I remember my last day of middle school, how I was so excited for high school I wanted to skip spring break and go back to school again.
I remember my mom buying me this real cute first day of high school outfit from somewhere like forever 21. I'm pretty sure if was something along the lines of a jean skirt and a pink tank top, or was it purple?
I was completely different back then, straight A student, chart topper listener, pop girl watcher and avid smoshy love story reader. I was frankly, an embarrassment.
"CHARGE!" I shout running at my annoyingly fast friend Will with a incredibly large stick.
I jab the stick at him but he hops to the side, a cocky grin emerges on his face.
"Oh for goodness sakes Harry this is pathetic!" he laughs, looking me up and down.
"Your right, I should probably just-" I say, looking at the ground in defeat. "-GIVE UP!" I shout, springing my harmless spear forward and hitting Will in the stomach.
He moans and stumbles backwards, fake falling onto the ground.
I put my shoe on his chest. "A las! I have slain the mighty William!" I announce to the empty field we are standing in.
He sighs and trips me up so I fall, landing next to him. "You know when I asked you what you wanted to do today?"
"Yes." I reply, dusting mud off my jeans.
"This isn't quite what I had in mind." he says, grabbing my big stick (wow porno alert!) and wafting it around the space above us.
"Well I think playing knights is way funner than anything you could come up with." I am actually a little hurt that he isn't having as much fun as I am playing knights.
"Shut up." he says punching me lightly in the arm.
"Hey!" I shout, punching him back.
We repeat this for a good hour until we are both bruised and bored.
I pod myself down into the long grass. "If we think about this logically, we could make a crop circle using just our body's."
"Stop, no that's the stupidest idea ever." he replys, looking at me straight in the eyes as he sits and joins me.
"Why?! I could work!" I demand.
"No Harry it wouldn't. What about when we end up leaving the feild, our body markings wouldn't just stay in the circle if would trail off with us." he states, grabbing my cheek and giving it a slight sqeeze.
"Why do you always have to ruin my awesome ideas?" I mumble.
He sighs and lies down, I do the same.
He fumbles, trying to take something out of his pocket, he brings out a pack of cigarettes. Will parts his pink lips and slots one into his mouth, lighting it.
"You want one?" he offers. I take one and do the same.
Will keeps brushing his hand though his dark brown hair, like he always does when he smokes. "Ah daym! I needed this so badly!" He says inhaling another breath of cigarette.
I let out a puff of smoke. "We should go round to Jack's." I announce. "He always has food."
"Your hungry?! Jesus Harry you eat like a freakin hippo!" he laughs.
Cigarettes, Sarcasm and the Complications of the Real World
Random"Time is a funny thing, isn't it? When you want it to go quicker, it slows down. And when you want it to slow down, it speeds up." When entering there final year of high school, meaning soon they will be in the 'real world', Harry Thomson is trying...