Three lessons into school and I'm already considering blowing my brains out.
Urg why does time go so freakin slowly?!
I sigh and Will catches my eye.
He rolls his eyes and mimes shooting him self in the mouth.
I laugh mutely and bring two pretend finger guns up, pointing one at me and one at the teacher.
We continue this for the last ten minutes of the lesson. Each time acting out a new and creative way to end our lives.
These included, over dossing, hanging, chocking, stabbing, punching our selves in the stomach multiply times and even jumping off a building.
"Okay, you can all pack up your things and leave." Mrs McJoe announces to the class.
Mrs McJoe was the happiest Scott I have met, and I'm 1/8 Scottish.
I have already packed my things up so I spring up and grab my bag. Me and Will dash out the classroom.
"Not so fast Miss Thomson, Mr Jones." Mrs McJoe demands.
"Urg." I moan, walking back into the class. Will slowly sighs.
"Whaaat?!" Will moans.
"We haven't done anything, we've been good for once." I complain.
"For once, Harriet you two have not done anything wrong." she chuckles.
Me and Will share a look of confusion.
"I have been asked to nominate one boy," she gestures towards Will. "And one girl." she nods towards me. "To represent our school in The Young Reporters project."
"Huh?" I say.
"You two, and a boy and a girl from the other English class will be going to our nations capital to take part in a project to give you an in site in Americas reporters and hopefully inspirer you to pursue a career in that field." she smiles.
"So wait up." Will says. "I get to miss a week of school, go to Washington and with my best friend, for free?"
"Yes." she smiles.
"I'm in." he laughs, wrapping his arm round my sholder.
"Ditto." I smile.
"Good, I will e-mail your parents. Your free to go now."
We rush out for a second time.
"Dude, that's gonna be so fun!" I squeal.
"I know man, it'll be like this summer." he smiles.
"Yea man, although we will probably have to stay is different hotel rooms."
"Damn, we won't be able to have sex." he says, stamping his foot and then laughing.
"Would you please shut up." I mumble.
"No, no, in all seriousness Harry I wanna be the guy you loose your virginity to."
Stare up at him, a disgusted look plasters on my face.
"Like think about it. You wanna loose it to somebody you care about and somebody who cares about you. Well, I challenge you to find another boy that cares about you more than I do." he defends.
"I'm not having sex with you!" I snap. "That's the kind of thing that screws up friendships."
"You don't see-"
"It's a good-"
"If you'd just hear me out-"
"No Will! Will you please stop!" I snap.
"Fine." he mumbles.
We walk into the packed canteen and spot Charlotte, Jack, Dom, Hayley ,and Fred laughing loudly.
"Hey." Dom smiles at both of us.
"Hey." Will mumbles.
"Why'd you look so sad?" Jack laughs.
"Because I won't have sex with him." I say rolling my eyes and sliding into the only spare chair next to Fred. We exchange an awkward smile.
Will scowls at me. "Why can't you two just admit your desperately in love with each other?" Charlotte beams.
Me and Will both role our eyes.
"Why'd you get held back?" Fred says, he's very quiet.
"Oh my god you guys are gonna be so jelouse!" I laugh.
"Why?" They all say freakily at the same time.
We both explain what Mrs McJoe had told us, we are both so excited the sentences probably sound like random words just moulded together to make an unrecognisable story of the truth.
"So you are going together?" Fred smiles awkwardly at me.
"Yea! Isn't that awesome!" Will shouts, coming behind me and shaking my sholders.
"Lucky bitches." Charlotte mumbles.
Me and Will both giggle.
"So who'd you think the other two people are?" Hayley asks, the only one who hasn't lost interest.
I haven't really thought about that, who's in the other English class? I assume they would have been told today and it is obviously none of my friends.
I feel somebody's lips lightly kiss my ear and hot breath on the back of my neck. "Looks like we're goin to Washington Thomson." the voice lightly whispers in my ear. I can hear there smile. I know who it is.
Who do we like the best and the worst in this story? Hmmm😏
So this chapter was just kinda setting it up a little bit, I feel like all the chapters are really crap😁
Please tell me what you think even though like nobody even reads it😂
Cigarettes, Sarcasm and the Complications of the Real World
Random"Time is a funny thing, isn't it? When you want it to go quicker, it slows down. And when you want it to slow down, it speeds up." When entering there final year of high school, meaning soon they will be in the 'real world', Harry Thomson is trying...