Chapter 8: Not Like This One

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"Are you serious right now?"

An exasperated sigh left your lips at your friend's question.

"Yes, Hoseok. I'm one-hundred percent serious. Can we stop talking about this now?"

The orange-haired male stared at her incredulously, his mouth falling open.

"Park freaking Jimin complimented you in front of other people, and you expect me to stop talking about it?!" He asked.

You nodded hesitantly.


The hip-hop dancer scoffed at your words, his brown eyes searching around the table of his peers.

"I can't possibly be the only one who thinks this is weird."

A sigh escaped Jungkook's parted lips.

"I actually agree with Hoseok." He stated. "This guy has been constantly trying to get under your skin with insults and suddenly he tells your whole class that you're the best dancer in there? It doesn't add up."

You frowned deeply, rubbing your temples all thoughts of eating put aside.

"I know that. He's just messing with me, trying to get me all soft and lazy, and then the second I let my guard down, BOOM, he embarrasses me in front of everyone."

Yoongi nodded from where he sat.

"That's probably accurate." He stated. "He's a snake."

Everyone looked at him weird, their eyebrows raising in curiosity at his words.

You cleared your throat awkwardly, drawing the attention away from the young musician and back onto your sitting form.

"Park Jimin is such a depressing subject." You stated. "Let's talk about something else."

Jungkook nodded.

"Alright," He paused. "Have you picked a routine for the Showcase yet?"

You swallowed hard, your eyes not meeting his.

"I-Um-Next topic."

The chestnut haired boy shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he stared at you.

"You said to change the subject, so I did."

You bit your lip, your eyes moving all over the place, refusing to meet with anyone.

Things had been so hectic lately, that you hadn't found the time so sit down and plan out your routine. You didn't even know what music you were going to dance to. If you were being honest, you had continually put it off because you were too nervous to even think about preforming in front of all those talent scouts.

What if you messed up?

What if you hurt yourself?

What if you had to retake the year?

Competing in the showcase was so much work and stress. You would be physically and emotionally exhausted by the time you actually preformed the dance.

To top it all off, you didn't even have someone to mentor you.

Even if you were the top of your classes, you needed someone to correct you and tell you what to do. There was no possible way you could do this alone, and you knew that.

You sighed out heavily.

"I haven't even begun to start." You said quietly.

Hoseok frowned, running a hand through his hair.

Art's Rarest Form {Bts x reader} (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now