Chapter 14:Min Yoongi

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It had been like this all day. Sneezing, coughing and trying to form sentences with what little voice you had.

"Have you even taken your medicine this morning?" And overly concerned voice rang from the kitchen resonating into the living room where you sat.

"Yes Jin, you've asked me that like a thousand times!" You tried to shout back, but your throat had other plans and you immediately regretted the decision.

"Why are you even sick anyways?" Jin enters the room with his arms crossed with a 'give me and answer or no dinner look'.

The rain was relentless as it poured down on the two people seeking shelter. It only got worse as the day was turning colder by the minute.

"You don't have to walk me home, I can make it myself. You'll get sick if you stay out here any longer." You looked to the man with concern written on your face.

"I'll be fine, but there's no way I'm letting you walk home alone in this weather, it's the perfect opportunity for someone to try and kill you." He snapped back and he continued to hold his nearly broken umbrella over the two of you.

"Now who does that remind me of?"

You're thoughts were it off as a big lightning strike broke through the clouds followed by and even bigger clap of thunder. Thankfully your house wasn't that far anymore.

"It's just up ahead."

As you reached your destination, you felt somewhat tense at the thought of what you might have to face once you open the door.

"You good?" Taehyung asked with slight worry in his voice.

"I'm just a little worried of what Jin will say once I go inside but other than that, yeah, I'll be fine." You have a smile that was questionable but before he could ask the door swung open, revealing a very angered model.

"And just where have you been, and why are you with a boy? Who are you boy?" He looked at Tae with a suspicious face.

"I'm one of her classmates, I was just walking her home since I happen to be passing by the school when she was leaving." He answered calmly leaving out the part about your secret moment.

"Believable...for now." Jin then looked back at you and took in your soaking wet figure.

"What happened to your arm?! Did you fall down the school steps again? How many times have I told you to be careful?" He began to drag you in the house as you waved goodbye to the man you once considered an enemy.
(End of Flashback)

"And you were pretty much there for the rest of it." You stayed with a bored expression.

"Yeah I know. How's your arm? Does it still hurt?" He walked over and took a seat in the couch to examine it.

He traced his fingers along the bruise and lightly pushed down causing you to let out a hiss of pain, which Jin noticed. He looked at you with a look of concern.

"He's such a mom sometimes." You laughed at your own thoughts as said man looked at you with a strange face.

"It's honestly not bad, just a bruise-"

"And a cold."

"And a cold. Thank you Captain Obvious."

You rolled your eyes as the tall man stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"You know (Y/N), I feel the need to state the obvious because I know how bad at seeing the obvious you are."

He walked back to you with a bowl that had an all to familiar smell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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