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"Me, Caroline, Kendall and Elisabeth. I was her friends. We were told through the loud speaker to come the the security office. Ali would have opened that door, but instead a black hoodie did and pulled her in."

"What happened next?" Matt was curious. "Well, we heard a scream, then ran out to Caroline's car. And that was the last we heard of Ali." "I can't believe this." Matt was stunned.

But, Taylor thought about how Matt and Ali got in a fight. Once she realized who the black hoodie was and why Matt moved here, "I-I have to go. Now." "Why so soon?" He asked. "I just need to leave,"

Taylor stormed out as fast as possible. Still pondering if Ali is alive or in a grave back in Chino. The next day at lunch, Taylor sat in between Elisabeth and Cam.

Cam was talking to Nash about the score of the game. Shawn and Kendall were having their own conversation. Caroline was listening in on what Taylor was telling the group.

Surprisingly, Matt was absent. "I think I know who black hoodie and hearts is." When Jack heard 'Hearts' he tuned out Nash.

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