54 • ELLA

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Hey guys just a quick message! I would really love your feedback, not just on this chapter, but on the story so far. Please, send me a message on here telling me how you feel about the story, and what you think it has strengthwise, but also what it's lacking. I need people to tell me these things. Also, don't hesitate to leave comments, I love seeing those!
Also, again, if anybody is interested in making some art or edits for this book, please message me. That would be awesome.

1 year, 3 months, and 19 days after it all

All that's on my mind is tonight. All of this has been leading up to this one day, what is hopefully going to be this entity's last stand--no, not hopefully, definitely. It will fall. And out of the ashes, Legacy will rise, bringing with her our freedom from this planet where our feet have been tied for much too long.

But I can't let myself get too ahead of myself. I want so badly to let thoughts of Lorien creep in--the soft gentle breeze, the cool untouched air I've always imagined, the mountains jutting up through the treeline--but I can't. Not yet. Not yet.

I instead try to focus on what is about to go down tonight, my plan of attack on this entity which controlled me once, deeming me unconscious in the snap of its nonexistent fingers... I hope tonight I won't fall to the same fate. I have to keep myself aware, I need to focus, and I need to destroy this thing.

We've talked over most aspects of our plan, I assigned each of us a station which gives us a good vantage of the entity, we've also talked about its controlling abilities and how to avoid those, but we've barely scratched the surface on our actual plan of attack. How could we? We don't know what this thing is, we have no inkling of a clue of what its weaknesses could be, we really don't know anything. We've discussed using our legacies, of course, hitting it with a slew of attacks from all directions, but there's a chance that it could fight back, maybe even deem our legacies useless, or worse, and I try not to think about this but I can't shut this thought out. If it takes control of us like it did to Six in the car, it could make us do anything. It could, instead of killing us ourselves, make us turn on each other, giving us scar after scar on our legs until all that is left is a pile of bodies, each with a long line of fresh scars on our legs representing all the other's dead bodies.

I close my eyes, and vow to only think on plans of attack, without thinking of death, without thinking of anything going wrong. I know it's foolish, but my mind is used to the death scenes playing out right in front of my eyes, often in my dreams, but also while I'm wide awake. And in this time when those nightmares and visions are absent, I can't bear to bring them upon myself with my own mind. I have to give my mind a break from the constant bombardment of death and destruction and pain.

I see Six and Marina out walking down one of the sand-covered streets, discussing tonight, I can tell it's important stuff. Both of them are deep in conversation, and deep in thought as they walk closer to the house we've set up camp in. I walk to them, hoping to get in on their conversation.

"Without John, we've lost all the Legacies he has as Pittacus," Marina says, shaking her head as Six listens. "How are we supposed to make up for those lost?"

Six runs her fingers through her hair, which has grown out long, and is the same raven color I remember in my dreams and also when I first met her at the convent, but there's a sandy color up at her roots, like she's already graying. "But what you don't see, Marina, is that we've got almost all the legacies he has, here with us. Yes, losing him is costly to us, but right now, there's no going back. There's nothing we can do about it. Instead, we must focus on the strengths we have, the legacies we can use against it," and by it, I know she's talking about the entity. "I think we need to spend a while using our legacies before tonight, practice using those legacies on some of the rubble here on the island, even use them on each other, with caution obviously. But we must be prepared. And the only way to do that is with training. I know it's impromptu, but we've all used our legacies before, it's not like first getting them, we just need a little refresher, and we'll be ready to kill this thing." I love the sureness in her voice, the strength within her, I can see her powers clawing inside her, just waiting to be set free. I know she's ready. But she's right, we do need to train a little, get a handle on our dormant legacies, bring them back to life a little, and see how it feels.

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