Training Day 2

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     "Katniss, I have to tell you something

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"Katniss, I have to tell you something." I woke up extra early just to tell her "I might have joined the careers."

Katniss chokes on her drink, she starts coughing and I'm trying to calm her down when Peeta comes running in to calm her down. She litterly is fine after like 2 seconds.

"You..Did..What!" She yells

"Katniss think, they were going to expect it anyway, I'm YOUR sister. Besides having allies will mean having backup." I explain

"Ahhh yes your right, Allies are very helpful espically careers until they LITTERLY STAB YOU IN THE BACK." She screams

" I'm going to training, and maybe by then you'll come to your sences that I'm not your daughter." I leave and let the door slam shut behind me.

As I step on the elevator, I know Katniss is just trying to help me. She's my big sister, she just wants me to be safe. Which I would do the same for her and Prim. Oh Prim I miss her I wonder how she is doing. Pasiley as well I hope she's staying fed.

When I get there I realize I am 30 minuets early. So I decided to just randomly shoot arrows. I've lost myself in archery when someone comes up behind me and places their hand on my shoulder. On instinct I throw my elbow into their torso and turn around to discover it was Cato.

"Oh my gosh, Cato I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was you. Are you okay?" He doubles over in pain, but when he sees my concern that I didn't even notice I had he gets up soon.

"If it isn't Rowan Everdeen, Actually caring about someone." He laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world.

"Like Haha" I say, but he keeps on laughing. "Cato, it's not funny." But soon I'm laughing too.

"Your an idiot" I say.

"Well you were just laughing with this idiot." He smirks back.

"I was laughing at you not with you." I say like it's a fact when it's indeed a lie.

"Actually feeling kind of hurt." He laughs and stares at me intensely.

"Your Cato." I say "Suck it up"

He laughs "Ok, I'll try harder" He looks almost nervous for something but shakes it off.


Training went the same as yesterday except Clove taught me how to throw knives perfectly. And Glimmer learned how to accurately shoot a arrow.

Cato asked me to meet him on the rooftop. I was back in the penthouse debating if I should go or not. I don't know why but I  trust him. Even though he is a career.

I've just about made up my mind to meet him when I reach for the door and see Mason standing there.

"Do you need something or just being a jerk?" I ask.

"Just being a jerk." He says "Your not actually going to meet Cato on the roof are you." He ask.

"Why must you know" he grabs my wrist as I try to walk by him, boy it really burns. I can feel it bruising and I try to get out of his strong grip.

"Your not going, because I won't let you." I take my other hand and slap him in the face.

"No one is going to tell me what I can and can't do. Especially You." And I go to the elevator to see what Cato wants.

"Hey gorgeous!" He sounds almost happy. Ok I have to admit, I may have liked Cato a little bit. Just a um tiny bit. And I know I know, he is the enemy. But something in me tells me he isn't the heartless monster everyone thinks he is.

I try and hide my hand in my pocket because, ok fine it's just straight up embarrassing.

"Cato," I reply.

There's a silence a long silence that's actually kind of perfect. I feel at peace, like nothing could get to me up here. Cato keeps glancing at me, and I would notice and he would look away.

"What?" I ask.

"Hmmm" He says not snapping out of his gaze.

"Your staring." I laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry...umm...I, my bad" He looks down. And I laugh, I can't remember when I've laughed so much.

"So" He takes a seat on the bench so I sit next to him. "Tell me about District 12."

"Oh, well um, District 12 is um not the best place on earth exactly. But it's home. I've been in victors village for about a year now. I grew up in the poorer part of my district. You know the girl Katniss volunteered for?" I ask him and he nods "That's my little sister Primrose. My family means the world to me. My mother is pretty important to me I guess. She kind of lost it when my dad passed away though." I say frowning at the last part.

"What happened to your father? If you don't mind me asking." He questions.

"He died working in the mines." I say almost letting a tear drop.

"You don't have any friends or anything?" He asks

"I have one, her name is Pasiley. I met her when I" I don't want to explain how I was hunting because it's illegal and there could be a camera. "I was at school and I dropped my books so she helped me pick them up." I say casually. 

"You don't have a boyfriend or anything?" He shyly questions.

"I don't, never had one either."

We go on for a good 45 minuets talking about my life. I think he knows more about me then I do myself.

"What about you?? You probably have a more interesting life then I do." I laugh and he does too.

"Well I have a mother and Father, but my father didn't really care about me. Just wants me to win. I've got a brother who's older then me, he's training to be a peacekeeper. I have a younger sister, but she doesn't really like me."
He says sadly, obviously joking.

"Huh, not Cato. Everyone loves Cato." We crack up laughing for like 20 minuets and he goes to give me a high five. I totally forgot about my hand.

"Rowan what happened?" He asks his happy expression turning into an angry one.

I have no excuse so I think of something quick. "This, pffffttt I fell on my way here." I say hoping he buys it.

"Really you think I'm going to buy that?" He asks.

I don't want him to leave and I don't know how to make him stay.

"Cato!" I shout as he's leaving the roof. He turns around and faces me. " Where are you going?" I ask trying to catch up.

"Going to find the fool who messed with you." He is dead serious like no humor in his face at all.

"Cato, look I'm fine. It's just a little bruise." I reassure him.

"I don't buy that but whatever makes you happy." He stops "Goodnight Rowan."

"Goodnight Cato."

I go to sleep thinking about Cato. Realizing that If it really came down to it I couldn't kill Cato. Him, Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch were the only ones I could trust. I know these are the Hunger Games, but I'm just a kid we all are.

Ok so, it is 2:21 am. I am really tired and can't sleep. Also really hungry but I have no food with me. So yay me! Did you guys enjoy it. Comment, vote, and keep reading!! XOXO -Serena

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