The Countdown

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     I wake up with a jump

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     I wake up with a jump. I'm in my bed in the apartment and my Pajamas are on. Just coming back from conscious I try to recall my memory.

Katniss walks in "Oh I started to worry you weren't going to wake up!" She chuckles.

"Well, thanks." I roll my eyes. She tells me that I passed out over being overwhelmed. And then Peeta carried me here and that was it. Apparently the capitol loves me for some reason.

Oh crap I forgot I have to meet Cato on the roof. "Ok thanks Katniss have to go now bye." And I sprint to the elevator and go up to the roof. I really hope he's still there because if he's not I'm going to actually hate myself.

"Well hello there, angel." He smiles when I walk up to him.

"Hey" I say awkwardly. There is a long sentence before I start "So..." I say

"So.." He says.

"You meant what you said?" I more like state then ask.

"Do you think I could lie." He pauses and looks at his hands.

"Well no."

"Then there's your awnser princess." He laughs lightly. "You like me too, that's why you fainted, right?"

"No Cato I fainted Becuase we were out of Pepsi, why do you think I passed out in front of Panem." I say casually.

"Ok smart Alec."

He turns to face me and he looks me in the eyes our faces inches apart. "Rowan Alexis Everdeen, Will you make the rest of my 3 weeks left of living, and be my girlfriend."

At first I'm left breathless, I have no words to awnser. I can tell he gets nervous for a second because his hands are heating up. So I lean in and kiss him.

"Does that awnser your question." I ask. Then he picks me up and says " I don't know I couldn't tell let me check again."

Let's just say that was a night I definitely wasn't going to forget, ever.


When I get to the aircraft where the Tributes are flying to the arena I  immediately look for Cato.

"I'm sorry Miss Everdeen, But Tributes are seated by District." A peacekeeper shouts.

"She's in the Careers So she's sitting with me." Cato rasies his voice and grabs my hand.

But the peacekeeper separates us. "I don't care what alliance she is in, she sits by her district partner." Cato tries to stand up to him like he's going to fight.

"Cato, look at me. Not right now ok?!" I notice everyone looking at us. "Save it for the Tributes" I smirk and look at the little one who's a few inches short met then me and she whimpers.

"Take your seat, 2." The peacekeeper spits "You too 12." As I walk past him I step on his foot.
"Oops" is all I say and I receive my tracker that stings but I don't show it.


"Gianna I don't know what to-" I breathe out

"You will be fine, you have been training for the past year and a half for these games. Katniss is a good teacher ok. Remember everything she told you. Take care of yourself, and don't panic when something happens. Always stay calm." Giana tells me.

"You will be fine." She tells me. Then the timer goes down.

"Giana I have to win this. For my family." I tell her confidence in my head.

"That you do, go get em. Ro."

I step in my tube and realize that I am heading into the hunger games and I will be forced to kill innocent people to survive. But survival is something I am great at.


It's like a forest the ones back in District 12. The arena that is, the cornucopia is so far away from me. I'm going to have to run for my life litterly. I look around for Cato and see him Straight across from me. He nods and wants me to run into the forest but he knows I won't do it. I just shake my head and look at the bow. And he glares at me and clenches his jaw. I just smile at him and keep examining my surroundings.

I'm going to have to beat out District 11. Gosh I hate her so much hopefully I can kill her. Next to me is Mason. He glares at Cato and Cato glares back. Then the countdown begins.

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