Chapter 1: Golden Ticket

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Hello, my name is Alice Welish (Bucket). You already know my backstory if you read the description. Anyways, this is a story about how a certain candy maker and low class girl met.

​​​​​​I was simply leaving the small old shop upset and depressed. I had gotten laid off due to the lack of customers. So many things were racing through my mind.

"how will, I tell them? Will they kick me out? How am I going to find another job?".

As, I was walking I noticed something. A 10 dollar bill sticking out of the snow, I picked it up and examined it. It was real.

So I decided to go into the candy store and buy a Wonka bar to calm my nerves. Secretly, chocolate helps me calm down when ever I'm stressed.

The bell above the door rings, signaling that I have entered. I made my way over to the cashier and asked for one wonka bar. He took my money and gave the bar of sweet chocolate along with the change.

I didn't want to eat it now, so I'm going to eat it after dinner. I quickly made my way back to the, Bucket's home and entered the house greeting everyone, "evening Buckets!".

They all said hello and welcome back Alice. Mrs. Bucket was currently making cabbage soup for dinner and just as dinner was done, Mr. Bucket entired the house getting everyone like, I did.

I'm greatful for the, Bucket family. They have always been like an actual family to me, they consider me a daughter, grand daughter and a sister. This family means the world to me.

​​​​​​~(Skip Dinner because it's 12:14 am and I'm to lazy to come up with something)~

As soon as everyone had finished their stories and had gone off to sleep, I pulled out, my wonka bar and began to unwrap it but as I was unwrapping it. I saw something, I thought I'd never see. A golden ticket.

Thanks for reading this short first chapter! The next one will be much LONGER, I promise you. See you later! -Old Times Lover

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