Chapter 8: I will always love you

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Life had never been sweeter.
I woke up, to Willy holding me closes and he had no shirt on....

Then the memories of the last night flooded my brain, oh my we did IT! I tried getting up but a strong arm kept me in place and only tighten around my waist more. I fully opened my eyes and looked up, I saw Willy sleeping quietly and his hair seemed to be really messed up and tangled. I started to shake him a little.

"Willy wake up, it's 9 am" I said a bit tired but awake, he just pulled me up and snuggled his face into my neck, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"5 more minutes, StarShine" Willy mumbled into my neck and tired to go to sleep, but I had other things in mind. I reached my hand down and started to do something, he moaned. I stopped and quickly got out of bed, still naked. He opened his eyes, "you're such a teasy, sugar".

I smiled and started getting dressed, but Willy slipped his hands around my waist and was kissing my neck. I bit my lip and turned to him and kissed him very quickly, " You have work today, Willy and I don't want one of the Oompa Loompa's to walk in on us".

He groaned and fell on the bed, I giggled at his childness and got dressed. I picked out, Willy's outfit and threw it at him, which he got up and got dressed. I went to the mirror and saw a line of hickeys on my neck, oh my. I brushed my hair and kept it down, as was Willy fixing his hair, I decided to clean up a bit. Willy came out with his top hat on. He quickly hugged me and gave me a peck before saying goodbye in the most funniest way. I watch him walk out the door, the door closed and I layed on the bed thinking about last night, even though it was our first time, Willy was really good at it. I day dream until it was 10 am, I decided that it was time to get up and see how the family is doing.

I walked through the factory, saying good morning or waved at every Oompa Loompa that, I passed. Once, I made it to my old home, I knocked and Mrs. Bucket answered with a bright smile, welcoming me in. I came in and said hello to everyone and they welcomed me, I've always loved how they were so nice and non judgemental. I quickly pulled, Mrs. Buckets outside and looked around making sure no one was listening.

"What's wrong dear?" Mrs. Bucket asked seeing me making sure no one was around to listen.

"Well, um Willy and I had our 'first' time last night and I don't think we used protection, I'm a bit scared that, I might get you know..." I tried to stay as quiet as possible, which seemed to work.

"Sweetie, there is a big chance that you could get pregnant considering this is your first time" Mr.s Bucketts said sweetly and quietly

I suddenly the color drained from my face and I started to shake. Mrs. Bucket got really worried, "dear are you okay?". I nodded and wandered off to try to calm down. I sat down on the bridge right over the hot chocolate river, I sighed and thought about what might happen soon.

I felt someone sit next to me and wrap theIr arm around my waist and I knew who just sat down next to me, it was Willy. He smiled down on me until he saw that, I didn't even look up and saw little dots on my jeans.

"Darling, what's wrong? Did something happen while, I was away.." Willy sound so concern and had softly pulled my chin up by his finger.

I was having an internal war with myself, what if he doesn't want kids? What if he's not ready? Maybe last night was a mistake, but it didn't seem like it do him, oh my help me. Finally, I found my voice and words, "um Willy how do you feel about kids?" my voice came out quiet and small, he looked really surprised at this.

"Well, um, I would like to have some? Yes, but only when we are ready" Willy smiled nervously. I nodded and smiled a little, but now fear that he will leave me because he is not ready for one.

"Ok good, well you should get back to work you said that it be a long day" I giggled trying to hided my fear.

He smiled at me and nodded, "ok gumdrop, I love you so much" he quickly kissed me and stood up.

"I love you too" I smiled and he walked away but I could tell he knew that I was hiding something. This is gonna be hard.


I walked away from Alice worried, What was she hiding? Why did she ask about kids? Did she want kids now? This is really starting to hurt my head, Oompa Loompa's started to notice and sent me back to my room and told me that they would finish up for me. I went into mine and Alice's room, taking off my coat, hat and shoes. I was really worried for my darling, what was she hiding from me?


It was 8 pm by the time, I stopped crying and I was hidden in the gummy bear forest, where Willy and I first kissed. I was trying to calm down and as I did, I walked around the factory to mine and Willy's room, I was standing right in front of the door, I took a few shaky breath's before walking inside.

I saw, Willy fast asleep on top of the bed still in this waist coat, pants, socks and formal shirt. I smiled a little at this, it must of been a long hard day indeed for him to pass out like this. I shook him until he lazily opened his eye's.

"Mmmm yes...?" he mumbled quietly, I smiled and kissed his forehead which caused him to smile.

"Dear, you fell asleep in your cloths and its 8:15 pm, you need to get dressed for bed" I said sweetly and laughed a bit.

He pulled me down and snuggled me close, "don't ever leave me". I was shocked at this, "I will never leave you, why ask that?".

"You seemed really upset earlier and wouldn't look at me" he said sadly and kind of fearful.

I looked at him, "well there is a very good chance that, I might end up with child, considering we didn't use protection last night" I blushed a deep red looking back at those memories.

He smiled wide and kissed all over my face until he got my lips, "that's wonderful, Alice! We'll have our own little cupcake!" I giggled at his candy related nickname.

He kissed me so happy and passionately, I now don't need to fear for the worst anymore.

I know this one is kinda short but I reassure you its because i'm not going off the movie anymore and is going to try and make these last chapters as good as possible. Thank you so much for reading.
-Old Times Lover

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