Chapter 5: Veruca Salt

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Willy looks at us and smiles, "come on let's boogie!" while leaving.

We left the inventing room, Willy won't let go of my of hand so I let ir be. Charlie looked at me and smiled, I could tell by his eyes that he was saying, "you like him! and he likes you!".I smiled back and nodded, Willy and I made that pretty clear back in the candy forest. Is it weird that I fell for him, so fast? I shook it off.

"Without the boat, we'll have to move double time just to keep on schedule. There's far too much to see." Willy said in a rush.

"Mr. Wonka?" Charlie asked, "Yeah? Willy looked down at Charlie. 'Why did you decide to let people in?" Charlie being a curious person asked.

"Well so they can see the factory of course" Willy replied nicely, he was only nice to Charlie and I.

"But why now, and why only 5?" Charlie still being really curious.

Right before Willy could speak, Mike jumped in rudely, "Whats the special prize and who gets it?". Wow, rude much? But I couldn't get angry because Willy kept squeezing my hand to let me know, it's ok. I've really falling hard for Willy but where have I seen him before?

Willy came up with a good comeback to Mike's rudeness, "The best kind of prize is a surprise!" with a laugh.

Veruca pushes Mike off to the side and asks, " Will Violet always be a blueberry?" I know the reason why she asked is to get some attention, I can tell by the look on her face.

First he starts off serious then after no it gets a bit playful," No. Maybe. I don't know, but that's what you get from chewing gum all day. Its just disgusting". We continued down the hallway, to the next room.

"If you hate gum so much, why do you make it?" Mike said quite rudely for like the thousandth time. What is wrong with this boy's attitude?

That's when Willy almost snapped, 'Once again, you really shouldn't mumble, 'cause it's kinda starting to bum me out." So I quickly squeezed his hand twice. The started to relax, which was good.

Curious Charlie strikes again, "Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?" I giggled at this question.

Then we stopped and Willy's face twitched, "No". His face went blank and I could tell he was having a flashback. I rubbed his back until the flashback stopped and so I whispered to him, "it's ok Willy, it's over now".

Willy smiled, "Sorry, I was having a flashback.." Still a bit dazed.

Mr. Salt pulled back his daughter, "I see". He's not going to attack her or anything!

"These flashbacks happen often?" Mr. Teavee asked curiously.

"Increasingly today" Willy smiled a bit uncomfortably. We walked again until we made it to the, Nut Sorting Room.

Mr. Salt saw the door and pointed out, "ah, this is a room I know all about, for you see Mr.Wonka, I myself am in the nut business" as Mr. Salt pulled out a card handing it to Willy, which he threw over his shoulder without looking at it. I giggled a little which cause Willy to smile and look at me from the corner of his eye.

"Are you using the Havimax 4000 to do your sorting?" Mr. Salt turned to Willy asking this.

By the look on Willy's face, I could tell he was going to say something ridiculous, "No. You're really weird" Willy laughed and headed in the room pulling me along with him. We walked to the railing to see a lot of squirrels opening nuts and throwing away bad ones, the room was a white and little blue swirl.
"This factory is amazing, Willy" I whispered. Willy smiled proudly and kissed my cheek, " thank you darling". I smiled and then I saw Veruca.

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