Chapter 7: If you love me DON'T let me go...

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I giggled and helped Willy up, he smiled embarrassed, "thank you darling". He puts his hat back on and pressed the button to open the glass elevator, "come on" he waved still blushing a bit. We put away the glass, then entered the glass elevator.

Willy pressed a button that read, Up And Out. "Up and out, what kind of a room is that"? Willy asked in front of us.

"Hold on" willy said slyly, which caused me to look at him and then looked up, "willy that isn't a room is it"?

He looked at me and nodded, I went pale and held Charlie close as the elevator started to excel up towards the glass window.

"Oh my goodness, we're going to need to go much faster. Otherwise, we'll just never break through.

Charlie looked up and then at Willy, "break through what?".

"I've been longing to press that button for years". Willy laughed and continued, "well, here we go, up and out".

"But do you really mean..?" Charlie asked slightly scared and held onto me thighter when willy replied, "Yeah, I do!"

"But, its made of glass,  it'll smash into a million pieces." I said seriously worried about our safety. All he did was laugh and I glared at him causing him to shut up and grab my waist pulling me closer, "don't worry it will be okay, I promise". I nodded and held onto both of them, then we smashed through the glass and started falling down.

Willy quickly pressed a button causing jets to come out and stop the falling, jerking us.

Then, the rest of those rotten kids started to walk out of the factory. First was, Augustus Gloop covered in chocolate, getting chocolate off his fingers. "Augustus, please don't eat your fingers!" his mother exclaimed. "But, I taste so good!" he said back and continued eating his fingers and going down the steps.

Next was, Violet Beauregarde and her mother. Violet was completely blue but was doing flips and being very flexible. "Look mother, I'm much more flexible now!" Violet smiled brightly trying t make her mom feel better but it didn't work, "yes, but you're blue" her mother was still very upset and embarrassed. They continue leaving.

Next were the Salts, covered in rotting garbage with flies. They walked out and Veruca saw the flying glass elevator, "daddy, I want a flying glass elevator." she said sweetly, but her father looked angry, "Veruca, the only thing you're getting today is a bath and that's final". Veruca turned slightly red, "but I want it!". Her father looked appalled and angry.

Lastly, Mike walked out with his father extremely stretched out and paper thin. Everyone was met by townspeople and reporters.

'Where do you live?" Willy asked politely and we turned towards our house and Charlie pointed, "Right over there, that little house." So we flew towards the house.

*3rd person POV*

It showed the, Bucket's waiting for Charlie and Alice to come home.

"What time do you think they'll be back?" Mrs. Bucket asked curiously, her husband looked up from his book, "I don't know dear". So Mrs. Bucket continued to cook. Until the glass elevator came anding through the roof.

*Alice's POV*

We landed and the doors opened, "Hi mom!" charlie yelled and ran out to hug his mom. Willy waved awkwardly and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before exiting the glass elevator hugging the woman I called mom.

"Charlie, Alice!" Mr. $ Mrs. Buckets hugged us and looked us over to see if we were ok. Willy walked out and stood in front of us.

"This is Willy Wonka, he gave us a ride home." Charlie exclaimed happily.

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