Chapter 6: Mike Teavee

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We walked to a glass elevator.

Willy went up to the elevator and pressed a button making it open up with a ding, "I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. The elevator is by far the most efficient way to get around the factory." I giggled at the tone of realization and he gave me a playful glare.

"There can't be this many floors." Mike still rudely said, as I walked in and stood next to, Willy. I don't know how he was able to keep his cool, I was ready to pop.

"How do you know, Mr. Smartypants" Willy said annoyed, I sighed at this but yet he still continued, "this isn't just an ordinary up and down elevator, by the way, this elevator can go sideways, longways, slantways, and any other way you can think of. You just press any button" he end happily which was a huge reliever, but then he pressed a button, "and, whoosh, you're off."

The elevator began to move so quickly, gravity took its toll and I ended up in, Willy's arms. He slid his arms around my waist and kept my back to his chest while, I held onto Charlie.

"Oh, look! look" willy smiled pointing to the huge mountain, " ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fudge Mountain!". We all looked at the Oompa Loompa's mining the mountain, they stopped and waved. I waved back and they smiled.

"I think they like you, Alice. A lot of Oompa Loompa's say your pretty and really nice." Willy whispered in my ear, which made me smile and nod.

We left and entered a hall that showed pink sheep getting shaved. Willy smiled but it didn't last long, "oh! I'd rather not talk about this one." He became uncomfortable, so I snuggled closer to him, which really made him happy. If he's happy then i'm happy.

We left and entered a huge room that looked like a hospital and there was things in the bed that were not people or Oompa Loompa's. I looked up at him curiously, "what's this for?".

"This is the puppet hospital and burn center." I saw a nurse Oompa Loompa pushing a cart with a burned doll on it. It kinda looked creepy.

"It's relatively new" Willy laughed nervously. Then we were jerked forward but Willy kept my balance and so I kept my hold on Charlie.

"Ah, the administration offices. Hello, Doris" Willy smiled and waved, she waved back. Suddenly, we were going down a weird way and there was fireworks and explosions, which I loved but was kind of scared by.
So Willy would whisper sweet nothing into my ear, when he felt me tense up.

"Why is everything here completely pointless?" Mike being the little twat he is.

"Candy doesn't have a point." Charlie started and we both said but I whispered, "that's why it's candy...". Willy looked really proud and happy.
I whispered, "I told him that when he was little". Willy kissed my cheek quickly, but something that, Mike said really made by blood boil.

"It's stupid! Candy is a waste of time." Mike said angry and all I wanted to do was kick him out of this factory, for his behavior and his father does nothing! I looked up and saw Willy was having a horrible flashback.

I held onto him and tried to pull him out of this state but it didn't do a thing. Until, he finally jerked back and looked at me with a sad smile, I kissed his lips as everyone was distracted. We stopped and I leaned on him until a certain gamer boy turned to Willy rudely, "I want to pick a room." he demanded, Willy smiled and I know that smile, something was up, "go ahead."

Mike looked at the buttons and pressed, Television room. Of course, TV is his life. So we were taken towards the room. The doors open revealing a completely white room with white suited Oompa Loompa's.

"Here, put these on quickly and don't take them off whatever you do." Willy put it on me and then himself. I blushed red because it showed how much he cared about me.

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