Chapter 4 : Violet Beauregarde

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of course they're joking, that boy will be fine.

We make it to the chocolate river, it smelt so delicious. Then suddenly a pink sea horse boat appears with a bunch of Oompa Loompa rowers in blue. As they arrive they started laughing and the drum slowed down to a complete stop.

"Whats so funny?" Violet asked with a bit of attitude.

"I think its from all those doggone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphin's? Gives one the feeling of being in love." Willy smiles and looked at me from the corner of his eye and then smiled more when he was the deep red blush on my face. "r-really..?" I whispered blushing.

Mrs. Beauregarde looked at Willy with flirty eyes and breathy voice, "you don't say..".

This caused me to give her a death glare which made her instantly look away and willy felt really uncomfortable but yet happy because of what I did.

"All aboard" willy said nervously and they all got in. I safely got in and at next to Charlie, in the back. Willy sat next to me, "on ward" with a forward hand motion, causing the boat to move. He pick up some chocolate from the ladle.

"Here try some of this. It'll do you good, you look starved to death". I frowned slightly because its kinda true, we barely can afford food, Willy noticed and handed the ladle to Charlie and took a hold of my hand.

He whisper, "i'm so sorry Alice, I didn't mean too.." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss when no one was looking, "its okay, you didn't know. He smiled and looked at everyone, "The water fall is most important, it mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. Uh, by the way, no other factory in the world m-".

He was cut off by Veruca, "You already said that".

This caused willy to sit up straight and stiffen, I gave him a squeeze and he relaxed a bit, " you're all quite short, aren't you?".

"well yea, we're children." Violet sassed which made me a bit mad but willy calmed m down and i kept a close eye on Charlie.

"Well, that's no excuse, I was never as short as you." Willy smirked

"You were once" Mike replied rudely, what is wrong with these kids?

"Was not! Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short little arms, you could never reach" Willy replied giggling and sassy.

Charlie had asked him a question, " do you remember what it was like being a kid?"

"Oh boy, do I! Do.....?" Willy mumbled going back into a flash back. I sighed and rubbed, Willy's back a bit and nodded at Charlie telling him that Willy was okay.

He came out of his state by Charlie saying, "Mr. Wonka! Mr. Wonka! Were headed for a tunnel!" Charlie pointed out.

"oh, yeah. Full speed ahead!". Willy yelled to the Oompa Loompa's, to go faster.

I looked at him and asked, "how do they know where they're going?". He smiled, "they cant, there is knowing where they are going, Alice".

I pulled Charlie closer and continued holding Willy's hand. "Switch on the lights!" Willy yelled and as soon as they did we fell down a whole. I laughed in delight and smiled really big while everyone else but Willy was holding on for dear life. We made sharp turns and spins until the chocolate rapids slowed down. "People, keep an eye out. We're passing some very important rooms here" Willy informed.

We started to pass rooms like Clotted Cream, Coffee Cream and Hair Cream. Mrs. Beauregarde turned to face Willy, "what do you use hair cream for?". Willy smiled and bounced his bobbed brown hair, "to lock in moisture".

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