Chapter 3: Chocolate Waterfall/ Augustus Gloop

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My name is WILLY WONKA

Then there was the whiny English accient again, "shouldn't you be up there?"

Suddenly his voice got a bit deeper, "well then I couldn't watch the show from up there, know could I little girl?" His voice made me swoon abit but it wasn't to noticeable, well I don't think.

But I think he noticed and he smirked abit. Why is he making me feel this way? Then he turned to everyone, "alright, let's get along kids". Everyone followed and slipped pasted the burning dolls.

"Don't you want to know our names?" The little German boy asked

"I can't imagine how it would matter... Come quickly! Far to much to see" then the doors closed behind us and we made it into a very warm hallway.

"Drop your coats anywhere" Mr. Wonka said as he took off his coat and glasses.

I quickly took off my coat and placed it on the floor along with my gloves and hat. I quickly fixed my hair and as I was doing so, I noticed Mr. Wonka staring at me.

"Mr. Wonka it sure is toasty in here" said the guy who looks like a teacher.

He look away and a bit dazed, "what... Oh yea! I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate, they just can't stand the cold" I smiled abit and turn forward.

"Who are the workers?" Charlie asked and I smiled at the question.

Mr. Wonka turned to Charlie, "all in good time". You could tell Mr. Wonka was nervous as he said it.

He walked forward, "now". He started walking with his cane and suddenly, Violet hugged Mr. Wonka and obviously Wonka didn't like being touched by her.

She lets go, " hi Mr. Wonka I'm Violet Beauregarde"

Wonka looked at her, still creeped out "oh..."

Violet kept chewing with her mouth open. Does she have any manners? You don't randomly hug someone and chew with your mouth open.

"I don't care" Wonka said while walking away and then the chewer started talking again.

"You should care, because I'm the girl who gonna win the special surprise at the end"

Wonka looked at her and gave a fake smile, "well you do seem confident and confidence is key"

Violet looked back at her mother smiling. That's when the little British girl stepped in front of Mr. Wonka, " Veruca Salt, it's very nice to meet you sir" with a little curtsey.

Wonka came up with a clever remark, " I always thought of a veruca was a type of wart that you got on the bottom of your foot, haha"

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh which caused Mr. Wonka to look over and smile abit and his eyes sparkled. I had a tiny bit of pink on my cheeks, from him catching me.

The little German boy stepped in between Mr. Wonka and Veruca, eating a candy bar and talking with his mouth full of chocolate, " I'm Augustus Gloop, I love your chocolate."

I wanted to to throw up, it was so gross. I can tell Wonka was thinking the same thing, "I can see that. So do I, I never expected to have so much in common".

Suddenly, he turned to video game boy "you, You're Mike Teavee. You're the little devil who cracked the system."

His eyes shifted over to us, "and you. Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?" It is true , I found it 2 days before hand.

Mr. Wonka looks at everyone else, "and the rest of you must be their p..." Wonka tries to say the word but can't.

"Parents?" Mr. Salt said raising an eyebrow.

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