Chapter 1

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In a world where 80% of the world's population has quirks(basically powers and abilities). Our journey brings us to Japan where there lives a single, soon to be mother in a small apartment of Mustafu(I don't know if I'm spelling this right) city. her name is Inko Midoriya, the has long straight dark green hair, has a slender physique, but her belly looks like she is about to explode, that is because, she is nine Months Pregnant, currently, she is on the couch in the living room with Mitsuki Bakugo(Inko's childhood friend), and her Husband Masaru Bakugo,  who is holding Katsuki Bakugo(Katsuki is 2 weeks old). they are currently having a conversation with Mitsuki about baby products and formula when suddenly she feels a sharp pain and feels moisture between her thighs, that is when she realizes, her water broke and immediately informs her friend. (IM=Inko, M=Mitsuki, MB=Masaru, D=Doctor, N=Nurse)

IM: so what sort of brand of diapers would you recommend for a newborn.

M: I would recommend (Brand of Diapers Here) because its lining is soft and absorbs moisture very well although its a bit pricey.

IM: I don't mind the price just as long as my baby's comfortable I am ok with it.

*feel's a sharp pain in her lower abdomen*

IM: Oooh, *Heavy Breathing*, Mitsuki I think my water broke! 


MB: OK don't panic sweety please take Katsuki and go start the car, while I bring Inko to the car.

M: Sounds like a plan.

*TIME SKIP*---------------------

After rushing Inko to the Emergency ward, and waiting painstakingly for 2 hours, while waiting thay started hearing strange noises, and see Doctors and other members of the hospital staff running around, the Bakugo's are finally allowed to see Inko while waiting for the newborn to be examined by the doctors. 

M: Hey Inko how are you holdin up?*Mitsuki ask's in a low voice while holding Inko's hand*

IM: *while panting* It hurts..., I'm tired..., but I did it....*Inko says with a bit of enthusiasm*

MB: Great job on your first delivery..., have you decided on a name yet.

IM: Actually I was hoping to go for...*Slam*

She was cut off by the door flying off its hinges when a baby with wings flew in and made its way to Inko, then snuggling in her arms, startling her and the Bakugo's, and Katsuki started crying.

WHAT THE HECK?!?!*the adults say in unison*

soon after the doctors came in running, once they reach the room, they stopped to catch their breath after being winded chasing a flying baby half way around the hospital.

D: Congratulations..*Pant,Pant*..Ms. Midoriya..*Pant,Pant*..*Takes a deep breath*..It's a very healthy baby boy, and it looks like he already has a quirk, but i guess you kinda found that out already. *the Doctor says while catching his breath*.

WHAT?!?! *The three Adults say in Unison*

*1 hour earlier soon after the delivery*


N: come on one last Push

I: AAAHHHH!! *Heavy Panting*

D: congratulations Ms. Midoriya looks like its a boy..., if you don't mind I would like to take him to the next room, to examine his health.* the Doctor asks, after cutting the umbilical cord*

Inko being to tired to respond verbally just nodded, while the nurses give her some pain medication and use their quirks to heal her. the Doctor left the room with a nurse to another room where they can measure and weigh the baby. while taking their measurements and calculating his health, the baby's eyes shot open, much to the surprise of the Doctor. with his big greed owl like eyes staring at the doctor as if the child is looking past him into his soul. suddenly the baby starts to glow and then two pairs of wings sprouted from his back, and immediately took flight straight to an open door through the halls of the hospital. the doctor and nurse are now chasing a flying baby all over the hospital, with the baby knocking over equipment, doors, and people. before the baby could do any more damage, the baby finally made his way to Inko's room crashing into the door's knocking them off their hinges after frantically looking around he locked his eyes on Inko before making his way to her and snuggling into her arms. inko being dumbfounded at the fact there is a flying baby in her arms accepted the child and warped her arms around him, while he snuggles into them. the Bakugo's remained silent while Katsuki started crying from the sudden loud noise caused by the flying baby.

*Present time*

Inko is now cradling the newborn who apparently gained a quirk right after birth. While Mitsuki is trying to clam her crying baby. Masaru is trying to contemplate on what he just witnessed and putting together what they experienced and 

MB: well that explains the noises as well as the staff running around the halls frantically looking for god knows what... turns out it was your baby. 

M: Who would have thought that he would cause so much trouble on the day he was born. 

IM: Well this would be a day to remember when telling stories to our in laws and grand children *Inko says happily thinking of the future*

M: Don't plan too far ahead they need time to grow and become independent* Mitsuki says clearly already having an idea of what she wants her friend to do*.

MB: So what is his name? *Masaru asks as he remembered that, Inko had not yet named the child*

IM: Izuku...Izuku Midoriya. *Inko says while staring at Izuku, who open his eyes to look into Inko's* 

D: That is a beautiful name for a baby. *the doctor says while sorting out the birth certificate*

 M: Do you think Katsuki will be his friend. * Mitsuki says, earning the soul gazing eyes of Izuku* 

looking at katsuki who was reaching for Izuku, while he mimicked the gesture before their hands touch. looking at each other they both started to laugh, earning a chuckle from the Adults in the room.

IM: This day is truely a day to remember. *Inko says, getting a thumbs up from Mitsuki*


Authors notes:

hey guys I hope you like the intro and i hope to be able to continue with this story and if any recommendations for Izuku's Harem feel free to leave a coment.

(words 1039)

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