Chapter 2

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*Time Skip 4 Years*

Early morning in the Midoriya residents, our loveable, happy go lucky, Izuku woke up bouncing all over his room, because he is very happy about this particular day. You see, today is the day he will find out what exactly his quirk is and he's been waiting for this day ever since he has seen his idols debut video when he was three years old. Ever since that day, Izuku wants to be just like All Might the No.1 Hero, able to bring hope to all people with just his smile alone and his strive to help others in need. All Might is the sole inspiration that made little Izuku want to be a hero to be able to bring hope and happiness to everyone with a smile. Currently, our broccoli haired bundle of joy is waiting for his mother, so that they can go for their appointed meeting at the hospital, with the quirk Specialist.

Izuku: Mom c'mon hurry up let's go! *Izuku says wanting to run out the door at any moment*

Inko: One-moment sweety~. Just need to fetch my things then we will head out.*Inko says in her room getting ready*.  

*Time Skip to the Hospital*

Once the Midoriya's were called in, Izuku was given a bunch of tests for the doctors to determine his quirk is as well as his physical and mental abilities, which took half the day. shortly after the tests were complete, Inko decides to head for lunch at a nearby Japanese Cafe with Izuku, while they wait for the results of his quirk. 

*At the Cafe*

Inko: so what would you like to eat for lunch Izu~.*Inko asks while looking through the menu*

Izuku: KATSUDON!!*Izuku yell's with excitement, earning him a few giggles as well as a few aww's*.

Realizing what he just did, Izuku became a bit flustered and hid his face behind his menu. Inko only giggled at her son's antics. After eating their lunch, Inko was about to pay for their meals when...*BANG*. A gun went off when five gunmen wearing trench coats and ski-masks while carrying duffle bags entered the cafe. 

Thug1: NOBODY MOVE!!! *yelled the thug with a smoking gun in the air*

Thug2: EVERYONE PUT YOUR'E PHONES AND VALUABLES IN THE BAG NOW!!! *yelled another holding out a half-empty bag with one hand while pointing a gun at the crowd with the other gesturing with the gun to make his point*.

Thug3: CRAP THE COPS ARE HERE!!! *yelled another thug by the window with a rifle*

Thug4: SHIT THEY'VE GOT BACKUP!!!...THE HEROE'S HAVE ARRIVED!!! *yelled the thug with a shotgun over by the counter pulling out the money in the cash register.

Thug5: WHAT THE HELL SHOULD WE DO!!! *cried the thug helping thug2 collect the hostage's valuables and shoving them in the bag*.

Thug1: WE USE THE HOSTAGE'S THATS WHAT!!! *said the leader of the group while walking up to Izuku*.

Inko being desperate tried to stop the man, only to be pistol whipped on the side of the head. The impact of the assault drew blood and gave her a concussion, knocking her out cold. Izuku with wide eyes after witnessing the assault on her mother had his heart rate increase and grew very angry with the thugs. then something in Izuku just snapped and he started to glow with a blinding white light and wings sprouted from his back with such force it knocked the thug out the front window from the sudden appearance of the wings then the ground starts to shake.

(Outside of the Cafe, a few minutes then the thugs entered)

Police1: ~The villains have entered the cafe~...~And they have taken hostages. I repeat they have taken hostages~. *the officer reports through the radio*

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