Chapter 15

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The next day Izuku woke up did his morning routine, made breakfast for his family, got ready for school, left for school with Inko, Eri, and Kohaku though a portal to the staff room, and went to class as usual. However, something about Izuku was a bit different, as the staff noticed he had a happy smile plastered across his face, which only a select few knew why Izuku was so happy. All Might, Aizawa, Nedzu, Mic, Inko, Nemuri were proud of Izuku and happy that he gets to finally be able to do things a normal teenager would do. Eri was happy that her Papa is dating beautiful girls in his class. Everyone else was confused but happy for Izuku none the less, even though they don't know what is going on and what Izuku did during the one week holiday.

Back in class 1-A, Aizawa started the class as usual.

Aizawa: OK class today we will be doing something that will determine the future of your class. *Aizawa said, as the class (minus Izuku) got worried expressions on their faces.*

Class: "I hope it's not another test or pop quiz!" *most of the class thought worriedly.*

Aizawa: You will be choosing assistants for your class president. *Aizawa states plainly.*

Class: That's a normal school activity! *the class cheers, some of the students jumping out of their seats with excitement.*

seeing this Aizawa activated his quirk to look more menacing, which worked as the class whole class went silent. Izuku then stood up and walked to the front of the class.

Izuku: OK, since I'm the class representative, I need three assistants, so choose among yourselves who those three should be. We will be doing a voting system to help with the decision making as it will also determine who among you are the most trustworthy getting the most votes out of the class. *Izuku says facing the class.*

The class then proceeded to write their votes then Izuku later tallied the votes.

Izuku: OK, it looks like there are 5 votes for Momo, 3 votes for Iida, and 2 votes for Jiro. *Izuku announced after counting the tallies.*

Izuku: Momo will be vice representative, Iida will be my PA, and Jiro will be Momo's PA. *Izuku said as everyone agreed with their positions.*

Class proceeded as usual, then came lunch time. While having lunch Izuku was talking with his classmates, having a great time, figuring out Iida's older brother was Ingenium, until an ear piercing alarm went off, announcing that there was a breach, meaning someone broke in. Then panic ensued as everyone in the cafeteria started to rush out of the lunchroom altogether pushing and shoving, and occasionally someone fell and were nearly trampled on by other students. Izuku saw this and had enough as his wings sprouted out of his back and hovered above the panicking crowd.

Izuku: ENOUGH!!!! *Izuku shouted in a loud godly tone which caught everyone's attention as the panic abruptly stopped.*

Izuku: Everyone exit in an orderly fashion, don't worry the staff is probably handling the situation as we speak. *Izuku said to the crowd, then he drew his attention towards the window as he saw a bunch of reporters had entered the vicinity.*

Izuku: It's just a bunch of reporters! They've somehow managed to bypass the security gates! Go back to your designated classes! *Izuku says as everyone calmed down and slowly made their way to their classroom's.*

When the students started to exit the cafeteria in an orderly fashion, Izuku then teleported to the crowd of reporters who are currently being held back by Present Mic and Eraser head.

Izuku: What is going on here? *Izuku asks getting the attention of everyone.*

Reporter 1: We want to speak with All Might! *a reporter said.*

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