Chapter 18

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(A/N: I will make some changes to RWBY's storyline so please bear with me. If anyone is not familiar with the RWBY series please watch the show before continuing the chapter because there will be spoilers and information about the series in this and a few of the following chapters. you have been informed!)

 you have been informed!)

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(A/N: Bear with me ^w^) 

(A/N: By the way, during their training Izuku taught the class how to handle guns as well as gun's and weapon safety and how to deal with armed assailant as the class could potentially have to deal with them during their stay on Remnant or their future carriers as hero's.)

(No ones POV)

It was early morning the whole class is gathered in front of the small log cabin where they will proceed with their special training for a month. While lining up the class also found out that both Aizawa and All Might are also going to be training with them. (A/N: It will be the same training the class did during the camping episode in cannon but with some additional training like search and rescue, given that they were unable to do it in USJ.) 

During their intense training, the students started to understand a bit more about their quirks as well as develop ways of reducing risks of overusing their quirks. And while they were all training they realize just how lucky they were in having Izuku be apart of their lives, because during the month of training the class grew closer to each other. Some even felt comfortable sharing their secrets and or felt comfortable showing a bit of their vulnerable or more softer side to the class.

While the class was training for the month they found out that Izuku has been to this dimension before and has established a large company called "Midoriya Industries" that mines, manufactures, and sells "Dust" a mineral that only grows on the planet, either in its raw form or is already processed into ammunition for use in the field. And in conjunction with developing ammunition, the industry also develops weapons, vehicles, and technology, and it is also the planets leading developer of weapons and technology, making their products highly sought after given their quality.

(Time Skip after the 1-month training)

After the classes, intense rigorous training for a month straight, Izuku decides to let everyone have a break and says that he will bring the group to the kingdom of Vale, which made the group excited. However, when the class was about to leave for their field trip they heard multiple sounds of gunfire as well as explosions in the distance accompanied by a few howls and screeches of the creatures of darkness which the class learned are called "Grim". 

The class have encountered the likes of these creatures and have disposed of them promptly, though Izuku eventually developed a device that sends out pulses of energy that attacks the creatures specific energy signature and erases the creatures from existence from within the radius of the pulses, which is 1.5 kilometers in diameter.   

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