Chapter 3

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(Time Skip to Hospital after Inko is Treated)

Izuku is now waiting patiently for the Quirk Specialist Doctor to announce the results of the assessment he did earlier(If you can't remember Read chapter 2). Inko and Tsukauchi are currently discussing what happened at the cafe, while All Might is trying to start a conversation with Izuku. 

All Might: Young... um? *Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya, Izuku replies* Ah yes...(clears throat), Young Midoriya! on behalf of all the people you saved today, I would like to say thank you for saving and protecting the civilian's and taking care of the villains, though you really shouldn't use your quirks in public. However, seeing is that it was all under self-defense and used to protect a loved one it is completely justifiable.

Izuku: Wow! Thanks All Might, but do you think I could take a picture with you and can you also sign it so that I can show my friend?

All Might: Of course. anything for my fans! 

they proceeded to take many pictures with Inko's phone and then with a Polaroid Camera Izuku borrowed from his uncle Masaru and aunt Mitsuki to celebrate after finding out what his quirk does. Not long after did the doctor arrive with the results, however, the doctor seemed very concerned, shaking in fear, and had an expression on his face that seemed like he has seen a ghost. Which made the adults concerned while it made Izuku confused. *(What could be so bad?)* everyone thought in unison. Suddenly the doctor had a change of expression from scared to excited.

Doctor: Congratulations! little Izuku here has a quirk, a very powerful quirk! To my knowledge, I have never seen or even heard of such a quirk exists! *the doctor says with such enthusiasm*. 

Tsukauchi: What makes it so special? *the detective asks, now curious about the boy's quirk*.

Doctor: Its special, because there has been no recorded documentation of his particular quirk. Little Izuku here is able to control and manipulate the four basic elements, such as earth, fire, air, and water, he also can control and manipulate the forces of light and dark, meaning he can manipulate any form of light as well as any form of darkness. He even has full control over space and time, meaning he is able to control dimensions, warp space and time, can manipulate time itself, being able to stop, rewind, fast forward, and reverse time with no side effects. In addition to that, he also has immeasurable speed and strength, and his intelligent's is either the same or even greater than some worlds most intelligent people on the planet, his IQ score is well over 300, meaning we don't know his limit, and that is not the scariest part.* the doctor says with such excitement*.

All Might: What is the scary part? *All Might asks slightly worried about the doctor's last phrase*.

The doctor now has a more serious look on his face as well as the tone of his voice.

Doctor: *sigh*... Well, the scary part is that it seems that little Izuku here has the ability to manipulate reality, meaning he can bend and shape reality to his will. A good example would be that he can grant any one's wishes. If he wanted to wish for the end of the world he could do it at the snap of his fingers. It also does not help that Izuku does not seem to have any drawbacks or weaknesses at all. *the doctor says with a now a worried expression on his face*.

To say that everyone is surprised would be a very big understatement. They all have mixed feelings about this and currently don't know what to do with the information. All except Izuku who was jumping and bouncing everywhere both figuritively and literally.

 Izuku: YAY!! WOOHOO!! MY QUIRK IS AWESOME!! I CAN BE JUST LIKE YOU ALL MIGHT, BEING ABLE TO BRING JUSTICE, HOPE, AND PEACE WITH A FEARLESS SMILE!! *Izuku yells with excitement radiating from him and shooting a smile so bright everyone had to close their eyes to how adorable and innocent he is*. *(So Precious)* *everyone else in the room thought in unison*.

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