Chapter 4

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(Time Skip 10 years)

During those ten years, our lovable, happy go lucky, cinnamon roll trained through blood, sweat, and tears, and has found out a little more about his quirk and practiced and mastered using all of them effectively and efficiently. Currently, Izuku is attending the entrance exam, not as a participant but as an observer. Izuku has been accepted into U.A. through recommendations, because all the staff of U.A. is quite familiar with his quirk and has earned quite the reputation within the ranks of the staff board, and how outclassed the participants are, due to the fact he has been taught and trained by some of the best teachers and heroes in Japan, and not to mention his quirk. For most of the teachers, Izuku is like a son they never had but was given the privilege of raising together as a huge family. After the written portion of the exam, the participants are gathered in a massive auditorium to be briefed about the practical portion of the exam. The pro hero Present Mic was leading the presentation, with Izuku standing to the of him. During the briefing, Present Mic was interrupted by one of the participants with blue hair and square glasses. 

Mic: As you can see on the booklet provided there are 4 robots which will be simulated as villains, each having various points. Like this one which is worth one point, this one is worth two points, and this one which is worth three points. Next is the test sites which are different from the other therefore you will have to adapt to the terrain you are assigned to as you can see...*Present Mic was Interrupted by one of the participants*.

???: Excuse me!! I would like to ask a question?!?! *the glasses wearing individual requested rudely interrupting Present Mic's briefing*.

Mic: Go ahead. *Present Mic said*

???: You mentioned three robots but it says here that there are four, if this is a miss print then U.A.'s reputation of being a prestigious school would be tarnished due to this mistake. And as for you *the participant now turned his attention to Izuku* If you're here to participate in the exam you should be sitting down with the rest of us, and/or if you're here to distract us then you should leave.

Present Mic turned to face Izuku, who just shrugged while shaking his head. Present Mic then turned back to the crowd and sighed.

Mic: Well sorry to burst your bubble but he is not a participant. He's actually here as an adviser and will help overlook the exam, not to mention he is also a recommended student, and as a testament to his ability, he already has a hero license ever since he was ten.

To say the participants were shocked would be an understatement, as murmurs and chatting become audible from the crowd of people. To be Interrupted by Present Mic by continuing the lesson.

Mic: And as for the first question I was going to announce it later in the presentation. This one is worth zero points its more of an obstacle it's best if you avoided this one.

After the briefing, the participants proceeded to head to their respective test site's, while Izuku followed Present Mic to test site B. Present Mic will be observing them in the monitor room while Izuku will be overlooking the operation from the watchtower. With a blow-horn in hand Izuku announced START!!! to which all the participants looked at him confused. 

Izuku: What are you waiting for! There are no countdowns in a real fight! now get going the test has started!

Soon after the participants proceeded to rush into the fake city and gain points. Some of the participants are doing quite well, gaining points using their quirks to their advantage. For example, the rude blue-haired boy with some resemblance to Pro Hero Ingenium used a peculiar fighting style using the engines in his legs to propel his legs giving more power to his kicks. Or the red-haired boy using his hardening quirk to dent, break, and destroy the faux villains, while at the same time use his quirk as a form of defense when he's being attacked. And a brunette girl using her gravity canceling quirk to send the artificial villains into the air, once the faux villains achieve a significant height she deactivated her quirk, dropping the robot to the ground destroying it. *(a bit slow but very effective and creative)**Izuku thought*  

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