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Slightly changed some parts for story purposes.




Y/N was hanging out with one of his old classmates that moved near his place.

Minjeong was her name, she met the boy when he had just entered Korea, passing by the local stores one day, the two passed by.

As such, the boy recognizes her almost immediately, the girl being his classmate for just a year back at the boy's hometown, as the boy didn't really go to school much.

He was watching some gameplay on youtube while relaxing with his classmate on her double decked bed.
He wanted to relax and all, and think about his life, a break from idol life.

He decided to catchup with what has been going on with her life, they were the best of friends back then, or should I say, most "benefited-from" friend.
They would have sex if one of them wanted to, she'd casually suck his dick when he said he wanted a blowjob.
They'd relieve eachother from sexual frustration.

They talked about their memories in school, back then they'd makeout secretly at the rooftop and sometimes get a little heated up, Y/N ordered takeout Chinese food,some fried rice, dumplings, and drinks, the usual as they ate it all and watched Korean entertainment all night.

They laid down together and chilled out with softdrinks.
She is the only one Y/N could become more aggressive with, and forward with, he'd actually sometimes be the one who would start and pet her.

Right now Y/N missed being dominant in bed, so while they were in bed watching he reached out for her butt and groped it.
She was caught by surprise and squeeled, she looked at Y/N confused, back in the days of their school life she would hit or hurt him meaninglessly, but Y/N never minded it one bit.

The girl dugged her fingers in his right arm in a little confusement and anger.
Y/N pushed her hand away quickly screaming lightly in pain, his right arm now has 4 small wounds inflicted by her.

Minjeong : Don't you think we should move on pass that Y/N? It's been a long time don't you know that?

He facepalmed, thinking he was indeed crazy by doing just that. Rest assured though while he doesn't know, the girl was still fine with doing said things, she just wanted to play with his head.

3 minutes of awkward silence filled the room.
Y/N was a little horny because of that grope he did also, so he really wanted to have sex again.

Y/N : But.

Minjeong : But what?

Y/N : I missed the days, where we had sex if we wanted to. Didn't you miss it? Or I'm just crazy?

They stared at eachother for what seemed like, eternity for Y/N.

Minjeong : You know, I've become a trainee, I don't want to cause problems for us in the long run, but.. I..

Y/N : You still want to try it out again hm?

The girl stays silent, as slowly a guilty smile reveals itself from her face.

Minjeong : *sigh* Fine.

Y/N smiled and looked back at the TV, she continued to stare at him, she smiled, because she was reunited with his old friend.
While watching the TV, Y/N changed channels and it went to a K-Drama one,they both continued watching it, both of them love watching K-Drama series.

Y/N raised his arms behind his head and continued to watch.
Minjeong moved to him and rested her head on his left arm.
She slowly reached her hand in his shirt and caressed his abs, their skin was extra smooth because of the AC.

Y/N leaned to kiss her, they made out with the TV still playing the drama, he wrapped his arms around her body, her perfume smelled like cotton candy.
She wrapped her legs around him, he moved her hair to her ear and continued to make out for a good 30 seconds.

They stopped for air and stared at eachother.
Then they continued to watch the drama again.

But the girl took Y/N by surprise, she pulled his shorts down and started to slowly massage his cock until it stood up, she smiled at Y/N and went down to his cock.

His legs hung down from the bed as she sucked on his cock.
He held her by her ponytail and pushed her head down and up.
He sat up and continued to bring her head up and down his shaft.

Finally he exploded in her mouth.
She moaned because of his hot salty semen mixing with her saliva in her mouth, as she swallowed it all.
He pulled her pajamas down and got her on all fours, he aimed his cock at her pussy and slowly pushed it.

Y/N : Ahh! You're still so tight!

She closed her eyes and moaned loudly.

Minjeong : Your dick got longer and bigger, shit!

She used her fingers to widen her pussy while also rubbing her clit.
He held her by the waist and pounded her.

After 2 minutes of their moaning and orgasming, they were about to cum.
Y/N carried her up in order to not stain her bedsheets.

Y/N : *grunt* Hrngh!

Minjeong : Ah fuck!

They both came, their cum mixed in her swollen pussy.
Their liquids flowed out from her pussy down to the wooden floor.
After that they cleaned up, and finished all the food.

Y/N wore his black and red jersey and stood at the door.

Y/N : Nice meeting you again, see you later maybe..?

Minjeong : Sure thing, Y/N.

Y/N : By the way.. Where did you become a trainee at?

Minjeong : Hmm...SM Entertainment.

With that question asked, he smiles before he left the dorm and walked outside the very late, dark cold night.
He went to the convenience store near his studio to have a mini snack.
He bought some ramen, wagyu beef rice meal, dumplings,a free special ube filled small bread, and a big cup of iced tea.

He brought it all to a private room, and sat down.
While eating he decided to go and update his instagram, he fixed his hair and took a selca, and then uploaded it on instagram.

He decided to finish the lyrics to his upcoming song Malibu Nights, (I like the song, and Y/N is currently doing thr lyrics.)
While eating he thought about the decision he will be making that Bang PD told him.

He thought that he liked being solo, but it would be a little funner if he would become a group member again.
But he actually wanted to become the best artist, a artist that would top all the brands, he wanted to show them that one with a bad background, one without a brand, could become the best.

So he decided to text Bang PD.

Y/N : Bang-PD, I made a decision, to not join the group, but instead, feature in some of their songs of your, or my choosing.

He sent the text and flexed his body and continued to eat.

Y/N : (SMAs, up next, I hope I get an award.)

To be continued.....

So a quick message from your Worldwide Handsome Author.
Or call this something to expect from the next chapters.
I will be focusing now a little on his idol life from his personality and backstory.

And I haven't thanked you all for the votes and reads you guys have given to my two books.
Thank you all!!😆😙

*sends flying kiss*

-by your Worldwide Handsome Author. Kek

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