They were letting Squishy, Jeff, Ben, and Kernel see Kira finally after a month. Jeff's reaction: "Wtf is this piece of shit" Slendy was thrown back by this remark. "MAH BAE ;w;" "We can't have this in the mansion! It'll ruin everything!" "Excuse me sir she is a GIRL. NOT AN IT!!!" "OI. Benny Bunny Boo. Calm the truck down :3" "Oh okai :3" "Soooo what do we do now?" "I dun know. ANYONE WANNA WATCH GRASS GROW?!" They all agreed immediately. Except Kira. She just glared at them. "Dayum, already knows what we're talking about." "DUN SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Slendy screamed. Kira started crying and the windows all started cracking. They eventually burst. "Agh. You're paying for that whoeverdatwas" "LolitwasSally" "OkaiWAITYOURSALLY" "Ja" "WhyarewetalkinglikethisImeanwe'veobviouslyheardofaspacebar" "SHHH DUN TALK!" Sally looked at him and looked as she was about to kiss him, then a horrific smell came from that general area. She giggled and ran in circles. She hit a pole but luckily was wearing an amazing helmet. Anyway they had a Jelly moment. No one liked it. "Lerk imma go to EJ's room and see how he's d-doing..." Slendy walked to EJ's room. "H-hi..." "Get out." "Look I'm sor-" "Shut up." ";w; I can't believe chu-" "Stop being so random. -.- I'm not in the mood." "Well, sorry Prince EJ -.-" "Apology denied." "Why do chu haz to be sho DOWN?!" " -.- Learn English and I'll respond." "P-please..." "It's all over... I just gotta break away from everybody... I just don't wanna hear it anymore! I swear I never meant to let it die... I just don't care about you anymore!" "NO!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kira started crying.. Slenderp teleported to Kira and took care of her needs. He teleported back and noticed something horrific. "E-EJ!" EJ was lying on da floor, almost dead. "We-well I guess..." He coughed. "Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...." And he finished the job. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Slenderp sobbed. They burst into the door. Slendy sat there and wiped da tears. "H-he's gone..." "Oh. Okai :D" Everyone started doing the Harlem Shake, except Slendy and Kira. Kira wasn't doing it because of Slendy. She hugged him. He just sat there. Life. Ruined.
Slendy went to his room and decided he'd had enough. Sally burst into the door randomly dancing and saw it. "WHA?!!!!?!?!?!?!" "I'm committing suicide." "Slendy, don't! I'll be with you though EJ won't." Slendy leaned in and whispered:
"B-but what about Kira?! You have to take care of her! She might become strong enough to revive!!! T-think of the possibilites!" They just sighed and hugged. "S-Sall, you're actually right." "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CMERN WE'RE DOING THE WAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Sally grabbed his arm and they all did da wave. And then they randomly danced and Slendy forgot...
XD Okai that's all I haz.
So that's probably all...
I guess I'll have a few ideas once in a while then write them down. I honestly have an idea for them. Okay, one more chapter for that.