How They Ask You Out

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After meeting the famous Nathan Drake a week later, you were going through some papers amd reading them when you heard your phone buzz. You put the papers down and pulled out your phone. Somehow Nathan had gotten your phone number and you read his text. His text said," Your assistant gave me your phone number because I was too shy to ask you. I know this might be a little weird but there is a movie playing at the park and I was wondering if you like to go with me?". You smiled at the text and texted him back saying," Of course! I would love to go with you, Nathan". Nathan messaged you back saying,"Awesome! I will come pick you up at 5". You jumped and smiled in your office.

Sam: You were walking to your car when you saw a tall, handsome guy standing next to his motorcycle. You smiled knowing it was smile. You walked up to him as he smiled and you said," Hey Sam! What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving to work with Nate". He chuckles for a sec and grins at you. Sam says," Well I was going to join Nate but Nate ended up cancelling and wanted to be with his wife so I ended up making a couple calls and your friends said you would be here. Plus I wanted to see your beautiful face". You smiled and giggled for sec. Sam smiled and he placed his hand on yours. Sam then says," Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would go on a date with me? I thought maybe I could come pick you up on my bike and we can go get something to eat together and watch the stars under the bridge?". You smiled at him again and said," Yeah I would love that". He grins again and says," Ok then. I will come pick you up this Saturday around 6". You nodded and he smiled again before getting on his motorcycle and winking at you then leaving.


After meeting Rafe at the party, you were working on a project in Greek Mythology at your work. When you were studying the gods and goddesses, you heard your friend's and your assistant knocked on your door and said Rafe Alder was here to see you.  You were surprised when he walked in. Rafe had flowers in his hand and gave you a sweet smile. You smiled at him and moved your hair out of your face saying," Hey you! Almost thought I wouldn't see you again". He chuckles and says," Well I wanted to see that beautiful smile and your pretty face plus I wanted to ask you something". You nodded and kept your eyes locked onto him as he seemed nervous to speak. He sighs then says," Would you like to go have dinner with me sometime? It doesn't have to be anything fancy plus i wanted to take you to a movie". You smiled and said," I'd love to have dinner with you Rafe". He smiled and said," Great!! I will come pick you up this Thursday around 5". You smiled as he kissed your hand and winked at you. You two talked a bit more before Rafe leaves your office.

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