Dating Sam Drake Includes..

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* Long- lasting kisses that turn into hot makeout sessions

* Cooking together while listening to 90s or 80s music

* Drunken dance parties

* Playing video games together and teaming up together

* Trying to convince him to stop smoking

* Getting lost in his hazel, brown eyes

* His clothes smelling like cigrettes or his cologne

* Always searching for new treasure and traveling together

* Driving countryside on his motorcycle

* Him teaching you how to drive his motorcycle

*Sam always worried about you

* Him teaching you how to use the grapple hook and getting jealous because you are better at it than him

* Watching the stars together

* Him telling dirty jokes at inappropriate times

* Takes his shirts so that way he can walk around shirtless

* Talking about the future and what you want to accomplish while laying in each other arms

*Always hanging out with Nathan and Sully

* Running your hands down his body and feeling his scars while he kisses you

* Sam always taking you on adventures

* Watching tv together and laying on his bare chest to listen to his heartbeat

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