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Rafe Adler x Plus size reader
Because all girls deserve love no matter what size ❤
Warnings: Unprotected sex

You pushed yourself agaisnt the wall and was trying to help Rafe analyze a couple clues about Captain Henry Avery. You were disttacted and couldn't seem to focus on helping Rafe. You and Rafe have been seeing each other for about 2 years now. Rafe looked at you with concern. He touched your face only to have you look at him. "You ok hon?", Rafe said as he kept looking at you. You nodded and said," Yeah. Sorry. I'm just distracted i guess". Rafe walked closer you and sat next to you. He kept his eyes on you and said," What is distracting you?". You looked up at him."You. You know you are very distracting when I'm trying to do my job", you said as you pulled the zipper down from his jacket.

He smirked at you amd caught on to your intentions. " Oh really? I thought you liked it", Rafe said as he pulled you closer to him. You smiled before wrapping your hands around his neck and pulled him in for a sweaty kiss. You felt his hands touch your waist and held you tightly as possible. The kiss became desperate and more heated and Rafe got up and pinned you to the nearest wall, which the coldness from the wall hit your back. You ripped off Rafe's jacket and you put your hand underneath his shirt, feeling his abs under your touch. He touched every inch of your body amd proceeded to unbutton your dress which then fell to the floor. He took a step back to admire your body. You felt a little uncomfortable at first but Rafe changed that right away. He had you look at him in his eyes and he said," You are beautiful. I love you for who you are,not for what you look like. I want all of you".

You looked at him and pulled him back in for a kiss. You tugged at the bottom of his shirt which he took off almost immediately. He guided your hand down to his pants. His was already hard as a rock. You bit your lip and said," Bedroom?". Rafe nodded as you held his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Rafe pulled you back in for another heated makeout session and he unclipped your bra, and he cupped them. Rafe kissed down your jawline to the nape of your neck. You moaned softly and tugged at his hair. His lips traveled down to your stomach and to your inner thighs before taking off your panties. You layed there naked on the bed and Rafe stood there in aww of you.  "Shit", Rafe said as he looked over your body and he started unzipping his pants.  You watched as he stood there before getting ontop of you and he started fingering you.

You moaned and threw your head back. He kissed your neck as he fingered your clit and made you wetter than before. You moaned and arched your back. " You like that baby?", Rafe said as he fingered you and watched you moan. His fingers slid out of you and you watched as he sucked on his fingers. He smirked and you whined. "Really? I want you so bad", you said as you watched Rafe taking off his boxers, revealing his 7 inch cock. "Don't be sad baby. Let me pleasure you", Rafe said as held onto his cock and slowly went inside of you.  You moaned and held onto him by his shoulders.  He grunted and stared into your eyes.

You wrapped your arms around Rafe as he fucked you. You moaned and hide your head into his shoulders. Rafe chuckled and said,"I wanna hear you moan baby". You moaned louder and ran your hands down his back, leaving marks that will be visible tomorrow.
"Faster please"

"What's the magic word babygirl?"

" Rafe please fuck me faster"

"Atta girl"

He picked up his pace and went faster. You started moaning to the point where you were moaning his name. You heard the skin slapping against each other and felt Rafe start pounding into you. You pulled him down by his neck and kissed him. He kissed you softly and said,"Hands and knees baby". He pulled himself out of you and you got on your hands and knees. Rafe pulled you close by your waist and slapped your ass. He moaned and then slid himself back into you. You moaned and Rafe held on your waist tightly. Rafe grunted and moaned softly. "Does that feel good baby?". You moaned and said," Yes that feels amazing". He kept pumping himself into you until you started feeling a tight clinch on your stomach. "I'm gonna cum baby", you said you moaned. "Cum on my cock baby", Rafe said as he kept fucking you. You moaned loud as you felt your hot liquids come out of you. Rafe moaned as he pulled out of you and came on your back. He cleaned up the mess he made before laying on the bed, trying to catch his breath. You layed next to him and smiled. Rafe smiled back and said," You know I love you right?". You looked up at him and said," Yeah of course. Why?".

Rafe smiled again, pulling you in for another kiss. "Because you are the best thing that has happened to me. I love you for you darling". You smiled at him as he kissed your hand. "I love you too, Rafe. You and I make a great team", you said while giving slight kisses on his lips. Rafe held you in his arms while you driftly fell asleep. Rafe kept you safe in his arms as you two slept most of the day away together.

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