Dating Rafe Adler Includes...

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* Dressing up and going to fancy auctions

* Rafe keeping an eye on you at alp times and once you notice him, he winks at you

*Rafe complimenting you on how beautiful you are amd how your dress hugs your curves

*Trying to convince him to not work late hours

* Him wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissing your neck softly

* Him falling asleep whenever you two try and watch a movie

* Arguements that lead to heated/ Intense make our sessions

* Staring at him whenever he wears a tux because let's face it, he looks so good.

* Wearing his shirts to bed

* Facetiming or using Skype to talk whenever he has to leave home and deal with business

* Him being less serious when he is with you

* Him always inviting you out for dinner

*Him waking up before you only to make breakfast and eat in bed

* His messy hair in the morning

* Listening to music, talking and laughing at stupid things

*Him asking advice about business deals

* Planning the next treasure adventure

* Staying up all night while listening to music, talking and watching the stars

* Driving around in his expensive car

* Passionate kisses and long lasting cuddles

* Hugs that could last for hours

* He smiles more with you

* Him spoiling you

* Playful tickle fights

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