First Date

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  * Looks you in your eyes and will kiss your hand

  * Compliments you on how beautiful you are

* You and Nathan having a good time together and always laughing

* Nathan offering his arm to you and you holding onto him

* Nate offering his jacket to you when you are cold

* Nate always making sure you are smiling and having a good time

* Nate driving you home and making sure you get inside safely


* Sam telling you that you are stunning

*You holding onto Sam tightly while being on his motorcycle

* Sam being his charming self around you

*Sam offering you his jacket and him wrapping himself around you to keep you warm

* You and Sam getting to know each other and tell each other stories

* You and Sam getting lost in each others eyes

* Sam walking you home and kissing your cheek before leaving


*Rafe's jaw-dropped when he sees you

*You telling Rafe how handsome he looks and he grins

* Rafe tells you how gorgeous you are

* You two end up playing pool together and having some drinks

* He gets happy and cheerful around you

* Rafe offering to slow dance with you

* You two go to a movie and you rest your head on his shoulder while his arm is wrapped around you

* Rafe takes you home, kisses your hand and winks at you before leaving

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