Dating Nathan Drake includes...

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* Traveling together and going on adventures

* Unlocking secret tombs and finding lost tombs

* Cooking together and talking about funny stuff or about work

* Him always being more concered about your safety than his

*  long, lasting kisses whenever you two are alone or with Sam and Sully

* Cuddling all day

* Playing video games and Nathan trying to beat your high score

*  Him telling you how gorgeous you are

* Always texting him while he is working or sending pictures to each other

* Inviting Sam and Sully over for dinner or lunch

* Being best friends with Sam

* Falling asleep on his chest and him picking you up to take you to the bed

* Stroking your hair and touching your skin while you sleep while trying to keep you warm

* Lazy Days where you two just chill in bed and watching Tv all day

* His messy morning hair

* Talking about his childhood

* Him always being supportive and being there for you

*Awkward moments wheb bumping into Elena

* Always holding hands

* Sam telling you embarrassing things about Nate when they were growing up

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