Waking up In Cartagena

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Sam Drake x Reader

       You woke up to a cool breeze from the window and heard people outside speaking spanish while they were opening up shops. Sam's arms were still wrapped around you and he had put blankets over the both of you. The sun was shining bright throughout the room and you got up to find your clothes but your clothes were nowhere to be found. You found one of Sam's sweater's and put on a pair of black lace panties. You walked down the hallway into your kitchen and pulled out some eggs, hash browns and bacon. As you were getting the frying pan, you thought about the night before.

Sam had taken you out for dinner and you walked the streets of Cartagena. You remembered how desperate you were for Sam's touch and kisses. He kissed you in all the right places and he pressed you up agaisnt the wall. You remembered kissing down his body before he picked up and had you right then and there. You shook your thoughts away when you felt strong hands wrap around your waist. " Do you always have to scare me? Jesus", you said as you almost dropped the frying pan on the floor. " Sorry baby", Sam said. His voice was low and raspy still due to him waking up.

You turned towards Sam to see him still shirtless but he had his sweatpants on. You traced his muscular chest with your eyes, seeing the red hickies you left on him the night before. You looked up at Sam, to find him giving you that famous smirk of his face. "See something you like, babygirl?", Sam said as he pulled you close by your waist and started kissing the nape of your neck which sent chills down your spine. You moaned lightly as he picked you up and set you on the kitchen counter.

You hands found their way to his neck and pulled him closer by his hair. His hands touched your thighs slowly and you ran your hands down his body, tracing his muscles. You pulled away from Sam and said," I was gonna start making breakfast. Also we gotta get ready to meet up with Nathan, Elena and Sully. We should eat and get ready, honey". He smiled at you and said," Yeah we should get ready but I will help you cook and clean the dishes. Plus we gotta shower but if you wanna join me". You smiled and pulled him by his neck to kiss him softly on the lips. " Yeah maybe if you behave. Remember we have everyone staying with us this weekend", you said. " But you know I like misbehaving", as he grabbed a peice of bacon and put it in his mouth. You smiled as he started helping you cook.

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