Chapter 1

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We've been here for about 2 hours so I got comfortable with them. Then a little cute 6 year old came in the kitchen calling "Mama, Mama"

Tita Marinel as she told me to call her picked her up.

"Lynelle this is Ate Dawn" she said pointing to me.

"and this is Tita Aimey" she said pointing to my mom

My mom immediately walked over to Lynelle and picked her up squeezin her and saying hi.

She looked so cute!!!!

My mom finally put lynelle down and she came to me.

"Hello Ate Dawn" Lynelle said

"Hi lynelle. How old are you?" I asked

"6" she said holding up 6 fingers

"wow" I said

"Wanna go and play barbie with me?" she asked I nodded and she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

We walked into her room and it was nice a bed in the corner and some toys around the room.

"You have a nice room" I said

"Thank you Ate" she said.

I sat on the edge of the bed and she laid down next to me. "Do have any brothers or sisters lynelle?" I asked

"Yeah" she nodded "I have one brother"

"What does you and him like to do?"

"We like to sing and dance"

"What's his name?"

"His name is Darren" she said and we played with her dolls

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