Chapter 11

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Dawn's pov

After Darren's concert we were currently having a backstage autographing thingy where Darren sat on the table while fans would ask for his autograph and picture.

A few hours later we had to take a break well more like Darren had to take a break, he was complaining constantly about his aching hand from all the signing as we sat in his dressing room.

"Okay, okay, okay, already" I said grabbing his hand and kissing it.

"There happy???" I said with an exasperated sigh. He just looked at me with a giant smile.

I chuckled and pushed his face away. "Your an idiot" I said

Darren tackled me onto the couch. So I was sandwiched between the couch and him. "But I'm your idiot and you love me" he said squeezing me.

I giggled and pushed him off me. "Come on I bet the Darrenatics are waiting for their star" I said walking back to the door.

And as if on cue the screams erupted asnsoon as I walked out.

"Darren! Darren! Darren! " they started chanting.

I went back into the dressing room to see Darren eating a cupcake. I grabbed his hand and pulled his arm outside the door.

"And here Darrenatics is Darren!" I screamed and as soon as I yelled that I heard uncontrollable yelling and screamin for Darren

"Hi Darrenatics!" He yelled to his fans and went back to his signing.

I pulled my chair and sat next to them and giggled when he looked up at me. He had icing still on his face from the cupcake.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked

I smiled sweetly and shook my head. He narrowed his eyes at me "What's so funny?" He asked again.

By that time I was laughing "Y-y you got icing on your face" I said in between laughs.

His eyebrows furrowed then he reached ip and wiped his face.

I smiled innocently at him. A few seconds later he couldn't stay mad at me so just smiled. By this time there was so many phones snapping their cameras on us.

So I turned sideways and stuck my tongue out while doing the peace sign. Soon Darren followed.

After his concert we went home.

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