Chapter 8

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Dawn's pov

I was lying on my bed  listening to music blaring through my speakers still in my pajamas. After a few hours, I think, I got up and looked at the clock it was 6 o'clock.

What time was I awake? I thought.

I got up and took a shower. After showering I decided to just use a a simple dark blue skinny jeans with a Black t-shirt.

I looked around my room and noticed there was nothing to do. I sighed and just plopped down on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about nothing. My mind was blank.

I was told that tita Marinel and tito Lyndon will be kind of bonding for the whole day and Lynelle will be with some of her cousins.

It was about 3 o'clock when my mom got a call saying that Darren was sick. That he had a fever. They were discussing their bonding time and the place where they were going since Darren's fever wasn't really that high but he was still sick.

I actually ended up being Darren's babysitter. If you want to call it that.

I was eating a sandwhich when my mom called me saying that we are meeting up with the Espanto's now.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang.

Tita marinel answered the door. "Hi, Come in." She said

So tita Marinel explained everything to me and what time I should give him medicine and she also gave me her number just in case and that she will be here checking up on us to see how we're doing then they have to go again.

------------In Darren's Room---------

After our parents left I went up to Darren's room. Darren was lying there on his bed asleep with his hair in all direction. I looked at the time and rememberef I had to take his temperature and monitor it every few hours.

I went downstairs looking for the thermometer. There I found it and went back to Darren.

I sat on one edge of the bed, lightly shaking Darren to wake up so I could take his temperature. It wasn't really effective. I put my hand over his forhead and he was burning up so I had to take his temperature.

"Darren" I said lightly shaking him. He finally woke up. Or well almost.

"Mmm" Darren groaned while still having his eys closed. "Come on Darren, I have to take your temperature" I said softly.

I lightly brushed my hand over his cheek.

Darren opened his mouth a little just enough for my to take his temperature. Afer a few minutes I decided to see what his temperature was and it was a little over 90°.

I put my hand over Darren's forhead again to make sure the thermometer wasn't lying. He is burning up.

I walked back downstairs to get some medicine for Darren. I got some pills for his fever and some pain killers for body ache he's been complaining of for the past 2 mins.

I came back to the room with some pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other. I set the glass of water on his bedside table along with the pills.

"Darren" I called waking him up. This time he opened his eyes to look at me. I was holding the pills and water. He rubbed his hand over his face.

Darren slowly got up and drank the medicine. I slowly rubbed his back with a small smile reassuring him he'll get better.

"In about 2 hours I will wake you up and you have to eat okay?" I said Darren just nodded.

"Now for the mean time please go back to sleep. Is there anything you need?" I asked

"Can you play music?" He said.

I smiled and gave him a sweet kiss on his forehead Walking over to his laptop plugging in his speakers and playing some music.

I glanced back at Darren with a smile playing on my lips and found him already asleep covered in blankets with messy hair.

I walked back downstairs to the kitchen.

Hmmmm what should I cook? I thought. Even if I'm 12 my mom's a chef so I learned how to cook at a really young age.

I looked around the kitchen and found the things that I need. I looked to my right and found taperware of tita Marinel's cooking with a note.

Food is in here please put it on the stove and warm it up.

                                                -Tita Marinel

-------------30 min later-----------

I'm done warming up watever tita Marinel cooked.  It doesn't look familiar to me.

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