Chapter 16

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Dawn's pov

"Dawn,wake up" I heard Darren say. I just groaned and rolled over. "Dawn, come on. We're going to the beach." Darren said. "The beach?" I asked sitting up right from the bed. I leaned towards the edge of the bed as the blood rushed too fast to my brain. "Woah, watch out" he said putting an arm on me preventing me from falling off the bed.

I smiled and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "What time?" I asked yawning. He laughed "3:00" he said. I looked over at the clock it read 2:00. "Wow!" I exclaimed, "I never slept in that late,"

"I have never seen anyone sleep like that" he said. "What?" I asked. "I have been trying to wake you up for 3 hours" he said, "Last night might've caught up to you"

I blushed and looked down and smiled. "Is that why you came up here, Espanto?" I teased and pushed his shoulder lightly. He blushed and I laughed and teased him more.

He blushed even more I swear it was more red than Rudolph's nose and pushed me lightly on the bed and I busted out laughing.

Darren just layed faced down on the bed. I laughed and rolled him over. I gave him a small peck on the lips and went into the restroom.

Darren's pov

I smiled at myself as soon as Dawn disappeared into the bathroom. I decided to go downstairs and play with Lynelle since Dawn was in the shower and I haven't spent time with Lynelle yet. "Lynelle!" I called out.

"Hi Lynelle" I said picking her up. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked. "They went to work. They told me that you have to watch me until 9:00 when 1st grade starts (A/N: I don't know if Lynelle is going to school or what grade she would be in so I'll just use 1st.)

I nodded and went into he kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat Lynelle?" I asked since I was pouring myself a bowl of cereal. "Froot Loops" she said sweetly and I smiled and fixed her a bowl of Froot Loops.

When the bus came for Lynelle I brought them her to school.

"Hey Darren" Dawn said walking down the stairs. She was just in regulars jeans and t-shirt

"What are we doing today?" She asked. "Um, I don't know what do you want to do?" She shrugged.

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