Chapter 12

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Dawn's pov

Currently I was in the car with Darren. We were driving to a Halloween Carnival. When we got to our designated spot we got down. Almost immediately Darrenatics surrounded us and screams were heard everywhere.

I cringed at the screams and Darren smiled at me teasingly. "My Fans! My beautiful Fans! I LOVE YOU DARRENATICS!!!!!!" he yelled which caused more screams and I just rolled my eyes at him.

He grabbed my hand and we started running, fans chasing behind us. "Ahhhh" I screamed "it feels like we broke into some place and stole something. Like their the cops and we're the burglars." " I doubt that I'll go to jail for that but you, probably" he shrugged.

We stopped at a roller coaster and I held my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt. I looked over at him and acted like I was about to cry. My eyes started feeling moist and probably looked glossy when you cry and immediately Darren came and hugged me saying 'sorry' repeatedly.

I pushed him back. "You're so gullible" I laughed at him. "Do you want to ride?" I asked him and he nodded. When we finally reached the front which wasn't long but was long the guy who supervised the people dropped his clipboard and ran to Darren. "Can we get a photo and a signature Darren please my daughter loves you" he said and Darren agreed. He also threw in a video of him saying and thanking his daughter for believing in him and supporting him.

"Aww so cute" I cooed at him when we sat on the roller coaster. "Shut u-Ahhhhhh" we screamed as the roller coaster started

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