Chapter 13

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Dawn's pov

After the carnival we went home.

Next morning..........

"Hey honey. We have bad news" mom said as I walking down the stairs. "Okay?????" I said and she motioned me to sit on the stool. "Darren has to go to Canada for a few weeks" she said and I frowned. "What?!?!?" I yelled.

"Marinel just told me yesterday. I was supposed to tell you but you guys were havin so much fun I didn't want to ruin it" she said.

"Okay. When is he leaving?" I asked. "Next week" and I instantly frowned. I can't believe he's leaving again. "But don't worry honey. I have to work in San Diego for a few months. You get to stay with Darren until I get back."

"Yay!!!!" I screamed happily. "Aww but you won't be with us" as realization sets in. "I'm sorry I can't" she said. "Okay but remember to call me to make sure you're still alive" I joked and she laughed

After packing and on the plane for canada.....

Darren's pov

Poke. Poke. Poke. "Ugh" I groaned and slapped whatever was poking my face. Poke. Poke. Poke. "Stop!" I yelled and slapped whatever was poking me and I was surprised to find a hand.

I opened my eyes to see Dawn smiling at me. I smiled back at her and looked at the hand to see it was Dawn's hand. She laughed at me. "Umm....Can I have my hand back?" She asked wiggling her arm around.

"Wha? Ohh yeah" I stuttered I must've spaced out. "We're 2 hours away from Canada" Dawn squealed jumping excitedly in her seat. I quietly chuckled at her and she went back to whatever she was doing and I went back to sleep.

"Darren" I heard Dawn whisper, "we're here" "Wha??" I asked. "We're here" she squaled. "Lets go I missed this place!" I laughed bt followed her out of the plane.

"Ahhh..... a bed" Dawn sighed as she plopped down face first. I laughed quietly at her and put our baggage down. I know just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I have to carry everything but I don't mind it.


Dawn's pov

I woke up in a room most likely a hotel room. I looked around and spotted Darren sprawled out on the couch snoring. I silently laughed and got up. I walked around the room findinh multiple doors and I went through one of the doors. It led me to the kitchen. "No way!" I squealed and ran to the kitchen.

It was food heaven in there. "Oh mh god! This is Heaven" I exclaimed. "Why are you up this early?!?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around to see Darren standing there rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Nothing. Just go back to sleep" I said and pushed him onto the bed. He went back to sleep and I went back into the kitchen.

"Hmmm...What should I do?" I asked myself. "Maybe I should cook, been a while since I have"

I took out 4 slices of bread, cinnamon, 1 egg, milk and some plates. I mixed the egg, cinnamon and milk together and soaked the bread in the mix and prepared butter onto the pan.

As soon as the butter melted and the bread was soaked in the mix I put I onto the pan. The smell of cinnamon filled the room and I heard running footsteps and Darren came into view.

I set the french Toast onto the kitchen table. As soon as Darren was about to get one I pulled it out of his reach. "Come on! It smells great I bet it tastes great too" he said and reached for it again and I pulled it farther. He pouted at me and of course I couldn't resist and figured I was mean enough and let him eat his food.

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