24- interview

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"hello there! today we are joined with the amazing chris evans and elizabeth olsen. we heard about an interview elizabeth had and am glad that you both decided to come here to clear the air!"

"thank you so much for having us!"

"we really appreciate your company's willingness to help us clear the air."

"a few questions?"


"is there any romantic feeling or titles between you two?"

"at the moment, nothing is official between us."

"could there potentially be in the future?"

"well as far as i can say, i couldn't tell you what's going to happen in the future. lizzie and i are amazing friends."

"well, we hope you two the best in whatever you choose to do. and if we may, you two seem very compatible."

"thank you."

"thank you," chris let out a small laugh, "we'll keep that in mind."

"you heard it here now, folks, #chrizzie is not real," the interviewer turned towards the camera and winked, "yet." which earned a laugh from chris and lizzie.

okay sooooo, i want some chrizzie action in the next few chappies- so if anyone have any ideas for how to get them together, either comment or pm  me :))))

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