prologue // Earth

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The day was September 23rd, 2030.

The Earth was in a state of terrible disrepair. Buildings were collapsed. Plants tightly seized control over most of the remains of civilization. They ensnared the rubble and brutally crushed the debris. The miserable humans that were still left on the dying planet died too themselves of starvation, thirst, disease, and other horrible causes.

About two years before where our story begins, the anarchy that had once clouded the Earth truly first broke out. War spread across the planet like mold on a decaying fruit; sharply following, terrible famine grasped the world as well, like the jaws of a mighty bear. This absolute chaotic state clouded the world for what should be a surprisingly brief amount of time. Like a double-edged sword, the human race as well as many other species ran close to biting the dust for good thanks to their own poison.

The humans that were left tried resolving the tragic conflict that they started, and succeeded for the most part. However, before they could secure a formal agreement of peace, they died, thanks to the world which they created for themselves. So did many of the other survivors of the Great Anarchy, and more, and more. In fact, barely any humans even survived past the first year in the aftermath of the Anarchy.

Keep in mind, "barely any." Indeed, there were a few, select, clever survivors who sought a way for themselves in these lawless times. However, then again, most of them ended up dying of heat exhaustion, the pollution in the air, or even sometimes of each other. After all, the Earth had practically become a garden of thorns with no escape ever since the Anarchy.

In fact, the few pieces of hope for survivors lay within the ruins of the Earth. Those fortunate enough to find the remains of cities could find water wells, packaged food, and possibly clean clothes. Those not so lucky would find very little shelter, and more than likely, would die out.

Even then, remains of cities hardly held food or water, and were much more unstable than the middle of nowhere. For example, at any moment, a structure could collapse and fall onto an unsuspecting survivor's head. Truly, nowhere on Earth was safe after the Anarchy.

Except The Sanctuary, that is.

The Sanctuary was the single most reliable place on planet Earth after the apocalypse. The place was founded by a lone and weary survivor after they had undoubtedly discovered a miracle— a flowing, crystal-clear, clean water source. The survivor stayed at the aptly named Fountain for a while, and eventually branched out to look for other survivors which could benefit from the Fountain. The survivor absolutely did find other survivors— survivors who lavishly praised their rescuer for their noble generosity.

Eventually, the no-longer-so lone survivor built up the foundations for a proper civilization, which the group unanimously named The Sanctuary.

Now, The Sanctuary lays thriving in the middle of the dust-ridden, tired, and wounded planet Earth.

This is where our story begins. We follow our main character, lonely and terribly weary, as they search for some sort of solace...

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