chapter 10 // escape

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It was the middle of the night. The wind howled outside the narrow window, and pale moonlight cast shadows upon the torn-up floor. Shadows manifested themselves in the corners of the dark bedroom, some of which looking similar to ghastly creatures. Silence strung itself in the air.

This quiet was soon disturbed by the tossing over of a figure lying in bed. Her eyes were wide open, glancing around the room in thought. Eventually, she seemed to give up. She turned over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

A few more minutes of silence passed. Maybe ten more. Twenty. Fifty.

Suddenly, the girl sat straight up in bed, her fox ears standing pointedly. Daina sighed, looking down at her covers. They were thin, and hardly kept the cold breeze outside from striking her. Reasonably, she couldn't sleep whatsoever.

However, it was not only the frigid cold that kept Daina awake. Her thoughts travelled back to a few hours ago, when the Subjects were still waiting to be summoned to bed. During this time, Daina had relayed the information that Flower gave her about Hio to Dex. In turn, he had become more worried than he already was.

This made her especially anxious. The ginger-haired girl didn't want to see her friend so fretful, but there was likely no more satisfactory information that she could retrieve from Flower. What should I do?

Daina was troubled by the question of her next action. Her troubles followed her into the night; they stalked her and kept her wide awake as she desperately searched for an answer. The only one which she could find had messy, blurry lining. After taking some time pondering this option, she concluded there was no clear answer to her question and that she'd just have to accept what she had.

All the more, her solution was far from legal at The Sanctuary. Therefore, she sat there, attempting to arrange her course of action if she were to take up the option. It would completely depend on the circumstances, but I can get through it as long as I'm careful enough.

Daina silently stretched, eying her bedroom door. Should I really do this?

Her mind seemed to pause its chaotic state for a second, instead replaying Dex's anxious expression in her mind. She nodded. It would be worth it...

With that, Daina gradually lifted herself up and out of her bed. When her feet touched the cold, firm ground, shivers ran up her spine, giving her horrible goosebumps. Second thoughts tried to present themselves, but they all failed to reach past the ginger's determined state of mind.

Cautiously and without noise, Daina approached her bedroom door. She pressed one of her jet black fox ears against the wooden barrier, listening for any footsteps beyond it. When, after a minute, she detected none, the fox girl silently opened the door.

She was quickly blasted with another breeze of wintry air as she stepped into the quiet hallway. After swiftly closing the door behind her, Daina was promptly hit with yet another wave of second thoughts and alarms. This time, it was now or never. She was going to do this.

Daina began walking down the hallway silently towards the staircase, keeping her sense of hearing sharp in case she heard any footsteps other than her muted own. Hopefully, Miku was lax on the night patrols, Daina wishfully thought. Deep down, however, she knew that her leader wouldn't do such a thing.

When she was almost at the staircase, a startling sound came to her ears. Footsteps, echoing from the adjacent hallway. Oh no.

Swiftly, Daina began increasing her speed towards the staircase, her heart racing. All the while, she tried not to sacrifice her stealthiness for speed. This is it, she thought. I'm already busted.

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