chapter 14 // common enemy

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After the shakeup with Gumi, Luka was not too eager to go and see Sora. She knew that her rose-blonde companion did not agree with Miku's policies; it was too easy to see from their conversations. However, the way that Sora feared Miku made her susceptible to the leader's manipulation. Therefore, while it would be possible to convince Sora, it wouldn't be the most straightforward task.

It took the girl a while to finish with her questioning, and Luka was able to wait outside the door until she finished. She wasn't sure exactly why it took so long, but she supposed it was because this had been the first real "questioning" the High Rank was trusted with. The fuschia-haired woman shuddered at how it might have went.

Eventually, however, Sora did emerge. As she did, the girl promptly caught Luka's eye. "Huh? Oh, hello, Luka! Did you need something?"

Luka cleared her throat. "Actually, yes. Can you meet me in the library for a few minutes?"

"Actually, I need to reach out to Miku first. It's important."

"Surely, it can wait?" Her blue eyes narrowed threateningly at the girl, who looked away almost instantly.

"W-well. I suppose I can make time. But it'd need to be quick. This is urgent," she concluded, looking back up at the High Order member. Her steel-blue gaze was stern.

Letting down her rigid demeanor, Luka smiled. "Alright. Follow me."

With one swift turn, the two girls set off towards the library.

The Sanctuary's library was not one that was accessible to just any people; it was only available to certain, permitted High Ranks. Despite the fact that its contents were highly limited, Luka came there quite frequently to read. She practically always seemed to discover something that interested her among the dusty shelves. The library was located on the third floor, just a few doors down from Luka's room, so she could pick up a book at practically any time.

When the duo ultimately reached the library on the third floor, Luka was unsurprised to find it completely empty. It was typically this way, especially at this time of day when most High Ranks were out seeing over patrols or guarding Miku.

Luka stepped to the side, allowing Sora to enter before her. The pink-haired woman shut the door carefully behind them before walking through the room, sitting down in a lofty yet worn armchair. Sora followed, sitting down in a similar chair across from her. Luka could sense the blonde's nervousness.

The tension in the air broke when Luka finally spoke. "You're not in trouble."

Now Sora looked up, blue eyes meeting blue.

"What it is, is... well... it's Lord Miku." The High Rank took a deep breath, selecting her words cautiously before continuing.

"I know you don't like her or her policies. That's clear by the way you talk about her when she's not around." She could see the sheer terror in the younger High Rank's eyes.

"Don't worry," Luka said, "I don't like her either."

Sora's expression immediately changed. She looked very confused, and tilted her head slightly.

"What do you mean?" she queried. "H-how? You're the second highest commander in the entire Sanctuary."

"I've known her for a long time," Luka explained. "Ever since The Sanctuary began, in fact. I watched her become corrupt. It was a terrible process." She shook her head. "What I'm saying is I know what information you gathered from Dex."

Sora narrowed her eyes. "Oh, you do? Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not joining any rebellion." She crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows at Luka as she relaxed back in her chair.

There was a pause. Eventually, a different, more surprised look donned the rose-blonde's face. "Did... did you...?"

Luka sighed. "We can take down Miku together. Establish a much more fair system. Abolish all of her horrible rules. See justice for those who were treated unfairly under her rule."

"Or, we could get killed," Sora whispered. She looked around instinctually, despite the fact that she and Luka were the only two there. "Look." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I'll join you. It's worth at least trying. But if anyone asks... I was never with you. I want to keep my head."

Luka nodded. It sounded reasonable to her. As long as she got the girl's support, she was okay with almost any condition. Though, there was one final step to confirming Sora's allegiance that was quintessential for this to work out.

"Will you be telling Miku what you learned during the questioning, then?"

Sora laughed a little. "Are you kidding me? Now that I know you're a part of all of this, absolutely not. I'd like for you to keep your head as well."

Luka smiled, and couldn't help but chuckle a little as well. After a brief moment of silence, Sora got up, her chair creaking slightly beneath her.

"Well. I had better go deliver my 'results' to Lord Miku."

The pink-haired woman got up as well. "Of course. You'd better get to it; she's probably wondering where you are."

The girl turned around to confront Luka, her frosty blue eyes twinkling in the faint light of the library. "Thank you, Luka."

The other High Rank smiled brighter. "You're more than welcome, Sora."

With that last message, the rose-blonde haired girl left the room, leaving the door cracked open behind her. Luka sighed. Great. Now we have plenty enough people to begin to take action. She paused. That is, except...

Daina and Yohio.

I can't believe I forgot to ask Flower where they were.


... I wonder what they're up to, anyway?

One day earlier...

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