chapter 12 // trust

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Flower could barely sleep that night. Her mind kept her awake with anxiety over Daina's last words to her. If the girl was going to try and escape, there was a decent chance that she'd be apprehended once again. After all, wouldn't the High Ranks be keeping an eye on her? It made sense to Flower, which only increased her fretfulness.

The Order-Keeper sent to wake the Subjects up was unusually early, and very loud. Whoever they were, they wanted the Subjects awake— and fast. It didn't matter to Flower, however; she was too tired to comprehend what exactly was going on.

When she staggered out into the hallway, Flower was surprised to see that there were plenty other Subjects awake too. They looked just as drained as she was, and they murmured among themselves in small whispers. As much as Flower wanted to join in with their muted chatter, she found none of her friends in sight— the most notable of which being Daina.

Flower only became more nervous when she entered the courtyard. The first thing that she noticed was that Lord Miku was standing on her balcony, looking visibly upset. She was talking with a High Rank while glancing occasionally at the gathering audience below.

Flower narrowed her eyes at the leader. This was the first time she'd seen the woman after realizing that she had murdered Piko. The way that she stood there so elegantly only added salt to the wound that had been gashed open. Flower felt her fury begin to kindle, but she looked away before she could do or say anything regrettable.

Instead, Flower decided to look for her friends. She spotted them quickly in the crowd; Ruby had her eyes narrowed at the balcony with one hand on Dex's shoulder, who looked as though he were about to practically fall over. Flower bit her lip. She wondered if Dex and Daina ever got a proper "goodbye."

As she walked over to the group, Ruby turned over to face Flower. "Have you seen Daina yet today?" When she swayed her head, the pink-haired girl became anxious. "How can that girl disappear two days in a row?"

Flower didn't respond. Even though she knew the answer to her friend's question, she wasn't certain if Daina made it out of The Sanctuary safely. At least, she wasn't sure until a few seconds later, when Miku ultimately began speaking.

"Subjects of The Sanctuary," she began, surveying the crowd. "I bring to you on this day very, very troubling news."

Flower felt her heart sink. Oh, god. She was caught, wasn't she?

"During the night, two fugitives ran away from The Sanctuary. You may know them by the names of Yohio and Daina."

Whatever sadness and disappointment that had gathered in her heart just a few seconds ago were now gone. She did it? She did it!!

Flower tried to hide her joy from showing on her features as Miku continued.

"From now on, all patrols are to be on high alert searching for these delinquents. If you are knowledgeable about any suspicious activity, please inform a High Rank." She paused, turning back to the High Rank who she had been previously talking to. Miku nodded, and they immediately sped away.

"Continue with your day."

Ruby almost immediately turned back to their group. "She ran away? What the hell?"

However, before Flower could even reply, she noticed a group of High Ranks storming towards them. Panic immediately engulfed her. What the—?

Before her though could finish, one of them kicked Ruby square in the back of the head, knocking her out immediately and prompting a small scream from Flower. Instinctually, she began to back up, but the stronger figures were already ahead of her. In just a few seconds, they began surrounding her.

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