chapter 7 // an attempt

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TW: implied death
Flower couldn't help but reminisce on her encounter with Daina during the rest of her shift. She thought about her warning very carefully. Although Flower was still somewhat skeptical, she discovered it difficult invalidating her claims. Spies reporting to High Ranks? Miku not trusting any one of her Subjects? It all seemed plausible with the number of odd and severe rules.

Another thought floated in her mind. At least I have someone to talk to, now that I know Daina is friendly. That sole thought satisfied her much more than the others. Even so, she still wasn't certain if they were exactly friends yet.

As Flower completed her shift, Avanna called her to break. It was a major relief; she almost fell asleep at one of the tables in the cafeteria. Though, during her break, there was only one thing on her mind:

"Well, for starters, you could start paying closer attention to the High Ranks' mannerisms. You'll see how they're all drone-like; they don't act human. It's all because they've been conditioned by Miku to serve her."

Recalling what Daina said, she narrowed her eyes at the High Ranks. However, as she surveyed them and how they acted, she found nothing unnatural. Avanna was chatting cheerfully with a young woman who had long, blonde hair that seemed to fade to a pale rainbow. The latter looked less cheerful in Avanna's chirping but still human, nonetheless.

She looked around the cafeteria. All of the High Ranks followed this form. None of them seemed in any way drone-like or unnatural. Flower frowned. The possibility that Daina might've lied to her came running back into her mind, and this time, Flower didn't shoo it away. Instead greeting it as a possibility, she gave up on her search to find anything wrong with the High Ranks.

Daina might have lied to you, her thoughts explained to her. She might be trying to manipulate you. You're easy prey since you're so new, after all. It would be easy...

Suddenly, the High Ranks began calling for their individual Quadrants. Flower lifted herself up from the table, making her way over to the Overseer.

She was careful to not make eye contact with the fox girl as she went back to working her shift.

The day was definitely a long one, though it wasn't nearly as long as the other day, thanks to her newfound information and storming thoughts. These kept her mind busy while trotting through the sun-bleached dirt, looking for some sort of shade for her pale skin.

The few hours remaining of her day went by like clockwork. Her mind was at war; one side fought for Daina, and the other fought for her skepticism.

It wasn't until her shift finished that Flower found and accepted a side.

The shifts were called off, and she was beckoned back to the courtyard by Avanna. As her shift reached the courtyard, however, Flower quickly realized that something was off. There was a certain tension in the air, despite only one other shift having returned.

As the other shifts began returning, a few things happened. For one, Daina had walked away from the cluster that was Quadrant 3's shift, alternatively walking farther into the back of the courtyard. Flower was confused until she saw that her mysterious friend was there. When Flower tried looking for someone to talk to, she found Una looking extremely nervous. Flower decided against talking to an anxious Una.

Then, she realized what was going on. Someone is missing.

That can't be good, Flower thought. She looked around for who it might be, but found no faces that she knew were absent. Odd, she thought. The nervous tension of the courtyard only made the situation worse. Why aren't the High Ranks calling us inside? What's going on?

Flower, in the midst of her confusion, sat down on a bench to run over her thoughts. There were a few minutes of quiet friction in the crowd of Subjects before suddenly, High Ranks began pouring out of the front doors, gathering in a blockade in front of The Sanctuary. The sunset reflected onto the tall building, giving it an eerie, blood orange tint. Whispers spread like wildfire as people tried to see what was going on.

Then, a hush fell over the crowd; Miku stepped out onto her balcony, a highly distraught expression donning her face. She narrowed her eyes into slits, surveying the crowd, waiting for all whispering to cease.

When the crowd was completely silent at last, Miku spoke, her voice booming.

"My High Ranks made a very upsetting discovery today," she said. Flower could hear the dramatic overtones in her voice.

Walking onto the balcony from behind Miku was a High Rank which Flower did not recognize. They were holding, tied up, what appeared to be a young girl with unusual hair; one side was blonde, the other chocolate brown. Although Flower did not recognize her, Una evidently did, as she heard a small, shocked gasp from the girl.

"It has been brought to my attention," Miku shouted to the crowd, her voice faltering, "that this... this vile young lady... made treasonous plans against me!"

Now the crowd broke out in whispers. Flower heard traces of "not her!" and "it couldn't possibly be," and more discreetly one saying "Galaco? How?"

Eventually, the whispering died down thanks to a death glare which Miku delivered the crowd. Once it was silent again, the High Leader continued.

"Now, we all understand rule number four of The Sanctuary, correct?" When the crowd confirmed such, Miku continued. "Then we all understand why this is such a big deal... correct?" The crowd confirmed again.

There was a pause. Flower could've heard a pin drop in such piercing silence.

"She will be punished accordingly."

And with that brief parting statement, Miku stormed off her balcony, the High Rank and their prisoner following in tow.

The crowd remained silent even after the High Leader's departure. Eventually, after scanning the crowd for a good few minutes, the High Ranks that had lined up outside of The Sanctuary left too. They returned inside the building in perfect single file.

Then, it occurred to her. The High Ranks are human.

They just don't act that way around Miku or they'll be punished otherwise.

As the Order-Keepers began herding the Subjects back inside, Flower searched for Daina in the flood of people. When she spotted her, the duo made solid eye contact for a second before the crowd overtook them. Flower didn't see Daina for the rest of that night, and neither of them saw Galaco in the courtyard the following morning.

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