chapter 16 // plans

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The scorching sun beat down upon the bleached dirt in Quadrant 3, where Flower paced relentlessly. Her meeting with Luka the previous day had been a tense one at first, and she was thankful that it had ended in compromise. An alliance with Luka was going to pay off: she knew it. Her injuries from the "interrogation" still ached, though, and she tried her best to focus on something else; something that was going to happen any minute now.

Flower squinted her eyes up at the sun. It was a bit past morning, heading into the midday hours. It was around now the girl had negotiated to meet with Luka. She needed to do several things, after all— one of which being introducing the High Rank to the other members of the rebellion. That'll be easy, Flower's thoughts sarcastically interjected. She stifled a chuckle. Yeah, right.

The white-haired girl glanced around once again, seeking the woman she was supposed to encounter. When nothing caught her eye, she sighed.

Come on... where are you, Luka? I don't have all day.

Agitated, Flower began to growl to herself. She had everything she required to launch a full attack on Miku's rule. And Luka was going to be late? They needed a plan, and soon. Soon— or else they'd be apprehended before anything could be done... just like the first rebellion.

At last, from the corner of Flower's eye, she spotted movement. The fuchsia-haired High Rank was sweeping her way through the rubble towards where Flower stood. A slight smile donned Luka's face, indicating she was doing well. Flower smiled too, more so from relief than anything else, and walked over to meet her acquaintance.

"Hello, Flower." Luka greeted her companion with a smile, looking down at the shorter girl. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright," Flower shrugged. "Were you followed out?"

"No," Luka replied. "I've actually taken over as overseer for this Quadrant for the day. We're more than safe." She hesitated. "How are your injuries?"

"They'll heal."

"That's good."

"I suppose."

Luka paused, looking around the scene before her before speaking once more. "Tell me, Flower, do you know where Daina and Yohio are...?"

Flower paused for a second, processing the question, before her face lit up. Her purple eyes twinkled. "Actually... I do. I found them this morning. We haven't quite caught up yet; I thought I should wait for you."

"Really...?" Luka blinked. "Well... nevermind. Where are they?"

"Follow me."

The girl immediately set off in the other direction, walking hastily and with purpose. Luka directly followed, matching Flower's pace. The duo sped through what seemed like the entirety of the Quadrant before eventually reaching a short, abandoned building. The white-haired rebel stopped in the entrance, grinning.

"It's really clever what they did."

Luka gazed down at the younger girl, gaze brimming with curiosity. "Please show me."

Flower nodded, slightly smirking. She took the High Rank to the back of the building's lobby, pausing over a misplaced piece of wood. Kneeling down, she gently rapped the door with a clenched fist. There was a moment of silence as Flower stood back up. She glanced at Luka, who appeared perplexed, before a shuffling sound could be heard from beneath the floor.

"Hello...?" The curious voice from underneath the plank of wood seemed to startle Luka, but Flower hardly flinched. The voice was all too familiar.

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