chapter eighteen

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This is a super short chapter, but I wanted to update it now! Hopefully you guys like it! Please don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Enjoy:D


“What the hell is going on here?” Lauren demanded. The sweet smile and attitude has now vanished and has been replaced with a pissed off face and bitch attitude. Not that I could really blame her.

How could I be so stupid? Making out with my professor, who has a wife and while I’m on a date with that teacher’s brother! I’m so screwed up in so many ways.

I didn’t know what to say. I just couldn’t answer her. I couldn’t even look at her. I felt sick to my stomach.

“Lauren, calm down,” Morgan went on leaning towards her to give her a hug.

Shit. I knew it was too good to be true. Of course he was going to go back to her, if she’d even allow him.

“Don’t you tell me to calm down! What are you doing telling some teenager you love her? You don’t love her! You love me!”

Morgan looked at me with pleading eyes and that was just all I could handle. He was going to tell her how much he wanted to be with her and how I was a mistake, I just know it.

“I’m going to go,

“To hell you are!” Lauren yelled at me when I tried leaving. I stepped back and just stood there.

“Lauren, chill out! Now, yes I may love you, but not the way I love Addie. I’ve only known her for a little bit but guess what? I know her better than I know you! And that’s saying a lot! When was the last time me and you talked? Like, really talked? Probably before we got married! When was the last time you told me you loved me? Probably about over a year ago, Lauren! You don’t love me and I don’t love you like that anymore!

I felt my insides melt. I wanted to smile and go up to him and kiss him. But I couldn’t, now with Lauren there. First off, she’d probably freak out and then bitch slap me, which I’m surprised she hasn’t done so yet

“Ugh! So, what? Are you leaving me?”

I looked at him and he looked at me and smile, which made me finally smile. He grabbed my hand and nodded.

“Baby, we can work this out! Just leave her! She has nothing to offer you! We can make it through this.”

“Lauren, shut up! We’re not going to be together anymore, got it? We’re not going to make it through this because there’s nothing to get through anymore!”

She started crying and it made me feel awful.

I have the worst conscious for a person whose doing things that they should be guilty of. I should’ve pushed him away when he went to kiss me, no, actually I shouldn’t have even come to the bathroom.

I just watched the man I want to be with tell his wife he was leaving her, why aren’t I happy? It’s because I’m the reasoning behind a marriage falling apart.

She looked in the mirror and wiped the little bit of makeup that had smeared and fixed her hair. Was she seriously okay with this now? She was just going to go back out there and be fine with it? I didn’t expect this, I expected something huge to happen.

She opened the door to leave and then turned around.

She was smiling. But it wasn't a happy smile it was a mischievous smile that would probably scare the shit out of most people.

“Oh, Addie?”

Wait, was she talking to me?


“You’ll get what’s coming to you.”

If I hadn’t been scared before I was definitely scared now. Lauren wasn’t sweet, she was a bitch and I had no doubt she was going to come after me.

“You’ll do nothing to her!” Morgan yelled and got up closer to her.

“Oh, sweet Morgan, you’re so naïve. Seriously, though. Did you really think I was going and seeing my mother twice a month for about a week for the last year and a half?”

Uh-oh, what the hell was she meaning by that? Clearly, Morgan had been wondering to because he waited for her to continue.

“I’ve been having an affair. That’s right. Oh, and you know him, quite well actually. It’s Nick. Shocked, right? Yeah, him and I played the hating each other roll pretty damn good. Why do you think I was always rude to the girls he was with and he always told you to leave me? It’s because we have each other and need nobody else. So go have fun with your little,” she looked me up and down and smiled, “teenager, because that’s all it will be is fun. You’ll never love her. You’ll always love me, and you’ll come back begging for me, but I’ll say no.” She was laughing and walked away.

My jaw was dropped and so was Morgan’s. Lauren was having an affair with Nick? Morgan’s little brother that hated her? Damn, they had some hell of acting skills. I still can’t believe it.

I looked at Morgan who was rubbing his head and looked shocked. I walked over towards him and he grabbed me in for a hug and just rubbed my back.

We finally decided to go out and saw Lauren looking sweet again and Nick who was sitting across from her looking around and smiled at me when he saw me.

“There you two are! You took forever.” Nick said when he stood up to let me in the booth again.

“No, we’re leaving.” Morgan said as he put down some money for the bill.

“I still haven’t finished my dessert, Morgan!”

I looked up at Morgan and saw something flash across his face; anger. I knew he was about to do something stupid but I didn’t have a clue what.

Until his arm swung back and punched Nick across the face making blood gush everywhere from his nose and mouth.

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now