Police Arrival (Part 10)

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Sam crawled her way into the living room, scratching her long fingernails across the hardwood floor. She looked over to Samuel who was still passed out cold from the shock that had come from the pain and paralyzation of his entire body. The pain wrecked Sam's heart, and she knew that if she didn't get herself together, her brother just might die.

She kneeled as high as could, and grabbed the home phone off the dock it sat on that was perched up on the large coffee table.


"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The monotone voice of a 911 phone operator asked over the other end of the phone.

Sam's voice was shaky, and her tail lay curled between her legs. "T-there has been a m-murder. My best friend's corpse is l-laying out on my front porch. M-my brother... He is paralyzed and in shock, and m-my foot is broken."

"Is your brother alive? Is he breathing?" The 911 operator asked Sam.

Sam had to do a double take. She glared over at her brother with her broken brown eyes to make sure he was still alive. "Y-yes," she said, as the tears started to flow and her cries got louder.

"I'm going to need you to calm down, Ma'am," the 911 operator said, attempting to get more information out of Sam. "Where was the victim attacked?"

"I-it looks like the front porch," Sam said, recalling the crime scene she stumbled upon.

"Okay. Were there any traces of a weapon?" The operator asked.

"N-no," Sam said, shivering. She wasn't sure why it was so cold in her house. "But it looks like she may have been stabbed."

"Stabbed where?" The operator asked, seemingly only caring about Stona and ignoring the fact that Sam's foot was broken and Samuel was unconscious and in shock, with a paralyzed body.

"In the chest, I think," Sam said, now leaning up against the wall next to the coffee.

"Okay. What is your name, your brother's name, the name of the victim, and your address, hun?" The operator said, now almost rushing Sam as if she had something better.

"Sam Marque, Samuel Stephen Marque, and Stona Mila. Address 224 Sunset Queen Boulevard, Apple Valley, California," Sam noted to the operator.

"We are sending emergency personnel down right now," the operator said. "Stay on the line, and stay in a safe spot until they arrive."


Sam clutched the phone to her chest. She nearly jumped up the wall when the police came barging into the living room.

"Hands up!" an officer said, pointing his gun at Sam.

"She's a victim too!" An officer said, commanding his fellow officer to put his gun down.

Sam shivered as the officers looked at her, Samuel, and the rest of the room.

The officer that had corrected his coworker walked over to Sam, holding out his hand. "Officer Lake, California State Police," he said, waiting for Sam to grab his hand. He was young and handsome; no younger than Samuel. His eyes were bright blue, and his hair was raven black, slicked black with hair gel that smelled of lemons.

Sam looked up to Officer Lake with pleading brown eyes. "My foot is shattered," she said, holding out her hand. Officer Lake picked her up and carried her bridal style. Meanwhile, another officer was calling in the ambulance crew to come get Samuel.

"Please..." Sam begged Officer Lake, "Get him to the hospital before me. He's completely paralyzed."

Officer Lake nodded, taking Sam's order to heart.


The ambulance crew came in quick, almost in a panic. Four men quickly picked up Samuel and placed Samuel on a gurney. They rushed him out the side porch, because the front door was now blocked off by police tape and the crime scene investigation crew. With their large hands, they situated Samuel and got an oxygen mask over his mouth to help his breathing. They were soon rushing down the road off to the nearest hospital


Officer Lake placed Sam in the back seat of his patrol car, driving down the roads in the direction the ambulance had went. Far in the horizon, Sam could see the lights of the ambulance truck. The siren of Officer Lake's patrol car swallowed up any other sound that could possibly come to her ears from beyond the car, and she could see the red, white, and blue lights bounce off the rain puddles that were left in the streets a day earlier.

"Will he be okay?" Sam asked, trying to inquire about her brother.

"It is not entirely certain if he will make it, and if he does, he will never move normally ever again," Officer Lake said.

Sam looked out to the buildings that became a blur as they drove by.

"You're taking me to the hospital, right?" Sam asked. She had a lot of questions on her mind.

"Yes," Officer Lake said. "We will have to get you medical attention before we are allowed to interrogate. Since you are the only one conscious at the scene of the crime, we need to hear any details and accounts from you."

Sam nodded, even though she knew Officer Lake wouldn't notice.

"When will my house... not be a crime scene, again?" She asked, a lump in her throat growing. She never thought that she'd ever say that.

"Not sure," Officer Lake stated. "By the way, what do you mean by 'again?'"

"Remember the murder of that man named Stephen Cain Marque about five years back?" Sam asked, her heart shattering for what must have been the 5th time that night.

"Yes," Officer Lake said, nodding his head. "My brother was working that case."

"Well, Stephen was... my father," Sam said, her chest heavy.

"No wonder why your last name sounded to familiar," Officer Lake said. "My brother had told me about the case before I ever started my police training. I also saw your father's face on the news. Your face looked so familiar, and now I know why. You look a lot like your father."

"I get that alot," Sam said, tucking half of her face into the collar of her pajamas. It was cold outside, surprisingly for being in California.

"I'm sorry..." Officer Lake said, a deep empathy in his voice. "We're almost to the hospital."

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