Megan Fox

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A/N: She sees how you are with her kids

Hope you enjoy @DHH_King

You had Noah on your shoulders and Bodhi in your arms. The three of you were playing in the ocean having while Megan was with Journey resting on the sand. You wanted to have Noah as well but he was sleeping. So you figured you'd just have fun with these two little boys who wouldn't let you go.

"Swim we go swimming." Noah cheered from my shoulders. Bodhi giggled and clapped his hands. You put Bodhi on the water where only his feet were in the water

"Oh cold." He giggled splashing his feet. You chuckled and helped Noah off my shoulders. "Remember don't go in that deep." They both nodded and went to splash you with the water. You let out a small gasp out at how cold it was. You lunged forward picking both of them. They both squealed and laughed.


Megan saw from a distant how you were with her children. She loved how you were with them. You were way better with them then their own father. You knew what they liked, what they didn't like. You what they wanted and what they didn't. You even knew when they were sleepy and when they wanted their nap. You were just so good to them and she loved it. You were even good to her. You treated with so much respect and love. You would always be there for her whether if it was for some late night snacks or light night calls to buy some diapers. You would always be there for her.

She loves you and there was nothing that could change that. She's tried to get over her feeling for you but with every passing day they'd get stronger. She knew it was wrong especially cause she has a husband. She did love him but not as much as she loves Y/N. Not mention that he was no help with the kids.

Megan knew that the relationship with Brian was falling and it was falling hard. She has tried to save it but it wasn't worth saving. She wasn't happy with him. Even from the start she wasn't happy.

Megan was brought out of her thoughts when she screams. She snapped her head to where you and the kids were worried something may have happened. She let out a sigh of relief seeing you running after the two boys who running straight to her. She smiled and opened up her arms as they got closer. Letting out a small grunt when her two older boys jumped in her arms.

"Easy boys. Did you two have fun?"

"Lots mommy. Y/NN really fun." Bodhi and Noah said at the same time.

"Yea two better say that. I'm tired." You flopped on the towel. You felt a small weight climb on your chest. You opened your eyes to see that Journey has made your chest his new bed. You smiled and softly ran your fingers over his short hair.

You felt eyes on you, so you looked away from Journey and to where Megan only to see she was looking at you with a smile.

"What's got you smiling like that?" You teased causing her cheeks to heat up bit.

"Come on lets go get something to eat."


You carried two of the sleeping boys into her house. Noah was following behind but he was barely awake. You went up the stairs Noah following behind. You carefully set Bodhi down and then Journey making sure they were both tucked in. You then picked Noah tucking him in.

"Thank you for beings with us today Y/NN I like it when you're here. Can you be here more?" You smiled at the child and leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "I'll try little buddy." He smiled and drifted off into a deep sleep.

You got up turning around jumping slightly when you saw Megan standing there. You felt your heart beat pick up with how she was looking at you.

"You're so good with them." You smiled back at her. "Well of course I am I love them." She smiled and pulled you close for a hug. She wrapped her arms around your neck and yours went around her waist.

"You're amazing." She mumbled into your neck. You couldn't help the blush that formed your cheeks. "Not as amazing as you." She pulled away looking into your eyes with those beautiful green with a little blue eyes.

In that moment you knew this was the start of something new.



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