Chris Hemsworth (Thor)

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A/N: You are a strong alien (kinda like Supergirl) you could lift Thor's hammer

You were sent from another planet and you small pod landed not far from the Stark mansion. You were only four when you came to earth.

The Starks took you in and raised you like one of there own. You older brother Tony was always there for you. Helping you with how to hide and use your powers. He loved helping you. When his parents were killed you helped him. He knew how you felt. Even though you only spent a year with Howard and Maria Stark. You came to deeply care about them. They were the sweetest and caring humans that took you in when you came to this strange and odd world.


Now with your older brother and yourself being part of Earths mighty hero's. Also known as the Avengers.

You grew close to the whole team. There was Steve 'the old man' Rogers. He was nice but bossy. He always wanted to play by the rules. But Tony and yourself didn't really like doing that. There was Clint Barton. He was always easy to talk to. Bruce 'the big guy' Banner he was nice until you pissed him off. Bruce him self knew that you could handle the big green guy. Natasha Romanoff She was like an older sister to you. Shes always been there. From the time Tony first became IronMan. She was there when he was kidnapped but not as Natasha but as another name since she was undercover. There's Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They were twins. They were the same age as you. You got along perfectly with the twins. Thor. You weren't gonna lie you did have a tiny, big, crush on the god pf thunder.

"That's a load of crap." You looked at Clint as he stood. You dozed off so you didn't known what he was so curious about. You looked to where he was standing. He was standing right next to Thor's hammer. You let out a laugh when you saw Clint try to pick it up but he couldn't. Bruce tried as well trying to Hulk out. You were the only one to laugh at his joke. After everyone tired but Natasha they all looked at you.

"Y/NN give it a go. Let's see if your worthy." You were going to deny it but Thor gave you an encouraging smile. "Come on love give it a try." He nudged your shoulder. You shrugged and stood up. You looked down at the hammer. You looked back at your boyfriend he smiled but you could also tell he was a little nervous.

Hey you're one strong ass alien.

You wrapped your fingers around the handle and pulled. You heard everyone gasp in shock.

You looked down and saw that indeed the hammer was in your hand.

"Well damn."

"That's my sister." Tony cheered.

"So does that make Y/N the queen of Asgard?" Clint asked confused and amazed.

"She's been the Queen."



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