Zoe Saldana (Gamora)

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A/N: When yoy found out that Thanos killed Gamora you were devastated but you really couldn't show it cause Peter loved her and she loved him. But when past Gamora shows up she has feelings for you and not Peter.
The Gamora Peter loved is dead. The Gamora that loves you, is very much alive

You felt like your world was falling apart. You wanted to kill Thanos for what he did. He killed the one girl you loved. But thing that sucked was that she didn't love you in that way. She loved Peter. When you first met Gamora you fell instantly. But your feelings were never returned. She cared about you and she loved you but like a friend.

Thanos defeated everyone on the plant Titan. Your heart broke even more when you saw your friends get wooshed away along with the spider kid who you thought was funny and cool. You sat alone with Mr.Stark and Nebula. Nebula knew how you felt for Gamora. She always thought you were better for her sister. She understood why you never told Gamora how you felt.

So now the three of you were in space with no way of going to earth. At this rate it won't be long before you and Tony end up dead. Your powers required a sun so with out a sun your vulnerable just like any other human. Before you had a locket that gave you powers it was like your own personal sun around your neck. But then Thanos broke it.


It's been five years. Five years with out your best friend. As soon as Carol saved you, Tony and Nebula. Things were just wrong. Different. You almost forgot how different the earth was. Seeing it now was devastating. You were without your best friend and the team that was family. The only one besides you to survive the snap was Rocket. Groot who was like his son was gone and you knew how devastated he was.

When a man named Scott Lang came to the avenger base with an idea. Everyone hopped on the idea. You were one of the first ones.


Within the five years you got to know Natasha. She was a brave, caring and badass woman. To have her use a tranquilizer on you so you couldn't stop her was something you didn't see coming. The tranquilizer has a effects that made you paralyzed for about thirty minutes. You saw her and Clint fight and you couldn't do anything about it. Your heart broke when you saw Nat make the jump Clint following right after her. But Clint was the one to return not Natasha.

He helped you up and back to the ship.

"I'm sorry Clint. I should have seen that coming."

"No. No it's not your fault. You don't have to apologize."


When you arrived you were still a bit numb. You saw Nebula and you were relived that she made back unharmed but your heart still broke for the woman who sacrificed herself.

But as you walked towards Nebula you passed out.


When you woke up you were covered in dirt and rubble. You could faintly hear canons firing. You groaned as you got lifting the huge pieces of concrete off you. You got up feeling better than before. You looked around but couldn't really see anything cause of all the smoke. You used your x ray vision. Your eyes widen when you saw Nebula fighting...Nebula?

You used your speed to get to her. But when you got there you didn't expect for one Nebula to kill the other. Your eyes widen.


"It's alright Y/N."

You looked over at her and gasped at her arm.

"Nebula your arm-Y/N I'm fine. I promise but we- Nebula who's this?"

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