Taylor Swift

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A/N: AU where she's your teacher

"Okay class it's mid terms. I'm going to give you a study guide. If you wish to pass my class this semester. Study it." The tall blonde teacher instructed. Giving a stack of papers to one student to pass them out. As she went to continue her class door opened and her smile was turned into a frown when she saw you walk in. Looking lost, pale, but what really made her want to pull you into a hug was the bruises on your face.

"S-Sorry I'm late." You whispered as you walked past her with your head down. You sat down and kept your gaze on the paper that was handed to you by the student.


Taylor has known you since you first started this school towards the end
of your junior year. You walked into the office the same look of lost and loneliness in your eyes. You were only a few inches shorter than she was. Standing at just 5'8. But what really made you look so small was the look in your eyes. And not mention the fading bruises. As days went by the bruises went away and you smiled much more.

You were a very funny, caring, a little shy but yet a fun person to be around with. Taylor shook off the worry she felt when she saw first saw the bruises. You were able to make friends with practically anyone. Everybody wanted to be around you. You're one of her top students and not to mention favorite. There was just something about you that had her hooked. Hooked just like everyone else.

Weeks went by and you as well as everyone else loved Ms.Swift. Just that you made it a habit to stay far too long after the final bell would ring. When Taylor saw this she figured you were waiting for your ride. But that wasn't the case. So she asked if you'd like to help her around her class. You jumped at opportunity to actually be doing something after school. So you said yes.

Taylor saw how much you actually loved school. How you were always open to learning something new. Which is why you picked up music class as well. Taylor who teaches both music and English. She would watch how seriously you took the lessons. Taylor teaching you how to play the piano was her favorite time. She grew close to you. As well as you did to her. To the point you shared things. Nothing that happened at home but other things.

Taylor let you call her by her first name. And after making the decision she knew things weren't going to be good in her favor. Only because she was starting to feel things. Things she shouldn't feel for one of her students. But seeing as you need a friend and nothing more. That's what she was. And she was alright with that.

But in mid semester, it's when it happened. Things were great. You were her smartest student. Having straight A's. Getting along with everyone. You and her sharing moments after school. One day you didn't show up to school. She didn't question it. But then the following day, you also didn't show up to school. Maybe you were sick.

Third day. Absent.

Forth day. Absent.

Fifth day. Absent.

Sixth day. Absent.

Seventh day.....present.

She watched in horror as you walked in with a horrible black eye. Your right eye not showing any white only red. Cuts and what looked like burn marks. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her blue eyes only widen even more when she saw...cigarette burns? On your neck. Arms. She wasn't the only one to see this either. The rest of her students also saw.

She tried to catch your eyes. But you refused. Keeping your eyes trained on your desk. She saw how your hands shook on top of your desk.

After seeing that she tried to talk to you. And you spoke with her. Only giving so much information. "Oh uh foster kids. We tend to get into some fights. It's okay. I'm fine." But she knew better. You even told her you weren't in a foster group house. You were with some couple, a woman and her boyfriend. They were you guardians at the moment.

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