Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff)

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A/N: takes place during Infinity war you disappear in Natasha's arms

You were in Wakanda fighting Thanos army with your lover by your side. You were using your powers to kill these beasts. Making sure that they didn't get to vision. You looked towards Nat and smiled seeing her beat the crap out of those creepy beasts. You made sure that you were always there for Nat if she was down and needed help.

When you first met Natasha you were with Tony. You were just out of high school and you were training with Tony and Happy in the gym. When she walked in as you took Tony down.

"Damn kid. Take it easy on the old man." You chuckled and helped Tony back up as Pepper and a very beautiful red head walked in.

You could honestly say that you fell in love the moment your eyes met hers. Natasha wasn't going to lie but she felt the same way. She was just a lot easier at hiding it. It would have worked if you didn't have super hearing. Every time you would talk to her or you would walk in a room she was in you could hear her heart rate. Her heart beat would either start to race or it would skip beats.

With time you and Natasha got together. That happened after the whole Ultron thing. You were so in love with her and she was too. Well with you.


Your head snapped to the side when you heard something. Your eyes widen when you saw Thanos.

"Eyes up, stay sharp."

Everyone was getting thrown like a rag doll. You included. You were strong but you couldn't go up again against all five stones.

The next few seconds happened so quickly.

You stood up from being thrown through some trees. You ran toward Nat but as your steps got closer to her. You grew weaker. You were getting tired? Something wasn't right. You looked down, yours eyes widening at seeing you feet disappearing.


Natasha stood up her head looking towards you. She was standing next to Steve and Visions dead body. Her eyes widening.

"No. No. Please don't." She caught you as you fell in her arms.

"What's happening. Nat what's happening." Natasha looked at you your eyes wide with fear. But when your met hers you eyes fill with tears.

"It'll be okay Nat. I love-" And just like that. You were gone. Leaving Natasha as she cried out your name.


You returned five years later only to see that she was gone. You never got to tell her that you were going to marry her.



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